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At what age are the kittens’ eyes focusing? Ie, can they see you now, or are they responding to your voice?
I think they can focus at 3 weeks, though I think they’re responding to sight and sound both – and probably also smell as well.
Wow, they suddenly all have pointy ears! Could you explain how that works sometime? How they go from those cute little round mouse ears to the long pointy ones like the Ducklings have? Which are also very cute, of course!
I can’t tell you the mechanics of it, I can only tell you that they start with their ears folded on the sides of their heads, and as they get older their ears open and slowly move up the sides of their head until they reach proper ear position at some point between 3 – 4 weeks, and at some point in there they go from round to pointy.
Is it just me, or are the Ducklings going to be serious people kitties? They’ve gone from all but unaware of humans and scared by the same to cuddles and purrs in remarkable time. 😀 Their upcoming people are so going to have a houseful of snuggles and joy.
The Ducklings are DEFINITELY people kittens. They love to cuddle, and in the evenings after I’ve given them their Churu I’ll sometimes lie down on the couch in the foster room, and they pile on and snooze and it is just DELIGHTFUL. They love being held and kissed and it’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago they were scared little hissers.
Check out Dewey’s excellent thlurrrp. And it’s not even Thlurrrpsday!
Huey loves to hang out between the pillows and judge us all.
Line ’em up! Louie, Huey and Dewey are pretty sure it’s Churu time.
Louie and Huey soak up some sun.
“Tryin’ to sleep here, lady,” says Louie.
Crouton checks to see how Pumpernickel would look with one eye.
It’s hard to tell here, but Ciabatta was hanging halfway out of the crate, nursing. Babka was walking around Crumpet’s head.
Babka continued on past Crumpet…
And gave me the ol’ snifferoo.
With Ciabatta still attached, Crumpet rolled over to her other side, and Babka was all “Ooh, I could eat!”
So yes, the kittens are out of the crate. They come out, they nurse, they sleep, they toddle around, they return to the crate. I’ll put out litter boxes this weekend, add a few beds to the room, and hope for the best.
And despite the intense eyes Crumpet is giving me in the series of Ciabatta/Babka pictures, she is surprisingly chill about the kittens being out of the crate. She keeps an eye on them (and comes to investigate if anyone cries, of course), but otherwise she’s just like “Whatever.” Go figure!
Alice on the back of the couch giving me the eyes of annoyance, and Newt on the floor looking up at her. I think they were talking about how annoying kittens are.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
It’s Leap Day, so you know what you gotta do! That’s Louie in the top pic, Huey on the bottom. (I couldn’t get Dewey to leap this morning and that’s FINE, Dewey. Just fine. Hmph.)
Ciabatta’s all “Good morning, Mama! I think I’ll visit the milk bar!”
(In case you missed it, I went into the room late last night, and Ciabatta was out of the crate, toddling around. And it appears he’s become a pro at it. I suspect it won’t be so very long before the other kittens are joining him.)
YouTube link
Huey and Louie are hunting the ladybug that’s flying around the room… and Dewey is in my lap, purring up a storm.
Didn’t I say it wouldn’t be long before they were all out of the crate?
From left: Crouton, Ciabatta, Pumpernickle, Pita & Babka.
YouTube link
Well, well, well. Look who’s out of the crate. (Everyone!) Not long after this, the kittens all returned to the crate. They have no problem getting in and out of the crate, apparently. They just needed to decide it was the right time!
It’s Thlurrrpsday, and please admire this rare triple-thlurrrp shot.
(Yes, there was Churu. Churu: the official* sponsor of Thlurrrpsday!)
*Not really, but CALL ME, Churu. We could make it happen!
Good night innernets. (Louie (left) and Dewey)
2023: Gestatin’ is tiring work.
2022: The sun shone upon her belly just so.
2021: Canasta’s birth story.
2020: Carmelita has an opinion, and that opinion is “HISS OFF, LADY.”
2019: “This IS comfy!” thinks Laura.
2018: The side eye I’m getting from her cracks me UP.
2017: He is such the bratty little brother.
2016: Some snackin’ time pictures with the permanent residents.
2015: Weekly Roundup.
2014: Updates on Brolo, Lilybet & Reacher.
2013: Lilybet Entertains a Gentleman Caller.
2012: Emmy’s alien belly, and Emmy has those babies!
2011: Corbie ear floof.
2010: No entry.
2009: “Here, let me get that for you… ::SLURRRRP::”
2008: No entry.
2007: Smackdown Stage 1: The Taunting.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.