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Oh that Louie. I just want to squeeze him (and I dooooo.)
Huey’s all “Excuse you, do you MIND?”
After taking a nap in the tub, Dewey’s checking out the vibe in the bathroom before he rejoins his brothers.
Dewey is a fan of ping pong balls and small rattly mice, if you were wondering.
I think Huey just discovered his feet.
The kittens are continuing to do better. I only had to give very minimal butt baths yesterday – hooray! – and I’ve stopped Louie’s pain medication. They are playing like CRAZY – yesterday, after I cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom, I walked in TEN MINUTES LATER to find that they’d knocked over the water bowl, ran through the water, and then (naturally) trekked through the litter box and tracked wet litter all over the bathroom. I guess… at least it was clean litter?
Crumpet and her litter will be known collectively as: THE CRUMBS. Fred chose it, so if you have any objections blame him!
Crumpet’s all “It has not escaped my notice that my plate of canned food is empty, and I suggest you remedy this situation IMMEDIATELY, lady.”
Checking out the pink cube. She likes to sleep in there sometimes, likes to sleep in the red crate as well, and also on the bottom of the cat tree. She has any number of places to birth those kittens, is what I’m saying, but I’d love it if she used the red crate, personally. (Not that I get a vote.)
Still here, still pregnant, still waiting. Still no alien belly video because she literally only lies down for about 10 seconds at a time when I’m in the room with her. I’ll keep trying!
Charlie’s ready for spring (as are we all!)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Just two cutie pies (Louie (left) and Dewey) hanging out in the tub. (Huey was busy eating.)
Belly pic! I think we’ve got a little way to go, those babies need to drop a bit. We’ve had her 7 days as of today. We’ve had to wait as little as 30 hours (Kara) and as long as 47 days (Canasta). The earliest we’ve had kittens born in our house was February 11th (Isabella in 2020.) Of course, none of that means anything, I just think it’s interesting. Crumpet is the 17th pregnant cat we’ve fostered since 2008. 🤰
YouTube link
Looks like we’ve found da BAYbee! (It’s Dewey. Dewey is da BAYbee, and he’s not scared to admit it.)
Dewey’s about to jump down from the side of the tub to the floor, not knowing that Louie’s behind him, ready with the ol’ chomperoo.
YouTube link
Crumpet has a purrrr. What a sweet girl!
Crumpet stretched and I – as is legally required – exclaimed “Ooh, big stretch!”
Good night innernets. (From left: Louie, Huey, and Dewey.)
2023: Archie.
2022: Still here, still pregnant, still eating up a storm!
2021: Three weeks into fostering Canasta, I still get the occasional “She looks a little cross-eyed?” comment.
2020: No entry.
2019: This turned out to be less of a good idea than he’d expected.
2018: And yet, I get the Squeezy Eyes of Lurve.
2017: It was an Archie in the poltergeist tree.
2016: She’s really starting to fill out. I haven’t seen any belly movement yet. (GEE, I WONDER WHY?!)
2015: (“Use a sharp tooth, Ruth”)
2014: No entry.
2013: I believe that the only correct response to your question would be a Miss Piggy-style “HMPH!”
2012: Sugarbutt gets in the middle and decides to show Sally who the boss is.
2011: Corbie’s all “Why you gotta be up in my space, man?”
2010: Where’d they come from? What are they doing here?
2009: No entry.
2008: A picture of each cat with his/ her name and nicknames, and what they’re doing in our house.
2007: Maybe she IS part cougar.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.