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Would you like to meet the newest members of the Magnolias2023 litter? (I’m calling this bunch Magnolias2023 to distinguish them from the Magnolias we had in 2010.)
You know you would. Say hello to…
Ouiser (girl), who is buff and white. (If you are unfamiliar with the name, it’s pronounced “Weezer.”)
Clairee (girl), who is white and buff (she has much more white than Ouiser). To me, that buff-colored patch on her right side looks like a duck.
And Drum (boy), who is dark orange and white.
They are 7 weeks old, so while they’re a bit older than Shelby (and also twice her size), once things shake out she’ll have age-appropriate friends to play with.
They were turned in to our local animal control as strays, and all three had wolf worms – also known as botflies, warble flies, heel flies, or gadflies. I’m not going into details – you can use the search engine of your choice to read more than you could ever want to know about the awful things – but all three kittens ended up with holes in their necks, which at this point have nearly completely healed.
M’Lynn had a very “NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH” reaction upon seeing them, so I felt it was best to put the three of them in a cage in the foster room so that she can get used to them and vice versa. I let them out to play every few hours and they race around like crazy things, and then once they’re back in their cage they pile up and sleep. I imagine just a few more days of being in the cage will be enough, and then they can be in the room with M’Lynn and Shelby (it’s only been a day, and M’Lynn is already a lot calmer.)
Shelby – bless her little bitty heart – did not notice those kittens for a solid 9 hours. Just… had no idea they even existed. Walked right by them and didn’t notice. When she did finally see them, it was with a general air of puzzlement, like “What’s this?” I’m sure she’ll find them more interesting in the days to come.
M’Lynn’s keeping an eye on those whippersnappers.
Shelby gives her mama the ol’ chomperoo.
“Don’t you come any closer, kid.”
Ouiser checking out the water, Shelby and M’Lynn checking out the food.
I had to give Drum a butt bath, and then M’Lynn hissed at his butt. As you do.
Rocco (the neighbor’s cat) is a good-lookin’ fella.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Update on M’Lynn & Shelby: they are doing great! M’Lynn has gone from 6.5 pounds (2.95 kg) to 7.25 pounds (3.29 kg) in the past two weeks. She’s still on medication – what she was on last week didn’t help, so the vet changed it up – and she’s got a few more days of that. Things do seem to be improving!
Shelby has gone from 5 oz (142 g) to 12.2 oz (346 g). I haven’t had to use the syringe to get more formula into her for several days. She latches right onto the bottle and drinks her fill. Yesterday morning I was feeding M’Lynn canned food. Shelby got tired of waiting for her bottle and started eating the canned food (and then had her bottle afterward.) She’s 5 weeks old today and while she’s the size of a 3 week old, she’s progressing nicely. She is a total champ with the litter box – I haven’t found a single accident from her.
I moved them into the foster room yesterday, and while Shelby is still spending most of her time in the crate, she’s also coming out to explore the room occasionally. M’Lynn LOVES having the cat trees and the toys.
Shelby’s lookin’ pretty in the pink Adirondack chair.
YouTube link
Caught on the Nest camera: all the teasers hang in a tube by the door, and this one tends to hang lower than the others, and moves around a bit. It caught M’Lynn’s attention, and how ADORABLE IS SHE, sitting there with the tilted head, trying to figure out what that teaser is doing? (I’m only surprised she didn’t jump for it!)
Good night innernets. (Yes, you have to wait ’til tomorrow morning to meet them.)
2022: Kim’s all “Tryin’ to nap here, lady. We know we’re gorgeous.”
2021: Ruthy puts the ol’ chomperoo on Ozzy.
2020: Wild Bill’s serious little face makes me want to squoosh him repeatedly.
2019: No entry.
2017: Newt really occupies that shelf.
2016: ‘Cause he’s da BAYbee.
2015: NOT SO FAST, my friends!
2014: No entry.
2013: Whiskers, whiskers everywhere!
2012: Incoming!
2011: If you, by any chance, were ever concerned about what would happen if Harlan lost the use of his back legs – how would he get around?! – he would like to assure you that he’s got it figured out.
2010: The Reacher Creature, in the back yard.
2009: I’m pretty sure you can actually see the ear floof growing longer.
2008: No entry.
2007: “Pls do not disturb unless it is snackin’ time, thx.”
2006: Miz Poo sniffs out the situation.
2005: So we have six now, but it really seems more like ten.