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Kirk and Troi are flirting with the ceiling fan.
“We love the ceiling fan, lady.”
Kirk in the sun, showing off his floof.
It’s a Janeway pie with a sprinkle of red spring. (My favorite!)
They certainly love playing in the laundry basket when it’s empty.
Troi in the top of the cat tree, with Spock climbing up to see what’s what.
And then they went into my room for a nap.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) this weekend.
Kirk pie for breakfast (my favorite)? Yes, please!
Laundry assistants Troi and Kirk, doing what they do.
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It was time for breakfast, and the kittens were HUNGRYYY.
Kes is all “My ear feels funny.” (A moment later she shook her head and it popped back into place.)
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When the laundry is folded and put away, the laundry assistants proceed to play.
Janeway’s keeping an eye on me (someone’s gotta!)
Good night innernets. (From left: Kes, Spock, Janeway (back), Kirk and Troi)
I’d like to pretend this is a sweet picture of Kirk cuddling with his stuffed kitty, but in actuality we all know that he was bunny-kicking and biting the heck out of that thing, so I’m not even going to try to fake it.
Troi pie? Yes, please! (My favorite!)
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Kirk’s making biscuits and purring, Troi is purring, Janeway and Spock are fightin’, and Kes is off to the side somewhere, not on camera.
The Trekklings are 11 weeks old and this is what they look like now. So grown up!
You can see their weight chart here.
YouTube link
Watching the kittens in the cube (which they love whether it’s in cube shape, partially flattened, or totally flattened), and then I toss a few toys for them because why not?
Left to right: Kes, Troi, Kirk, Spock, Janeway. I tried to line the kittens up according to how they’re going to be adopted (Kes & Troi together, Spock & Janeway together, Kirk going to a home with a playful kitty already in residence) and everyone was posing nicely except for Spock, who was NOT cooperating. Ah well, you win some, you lose some.
Good night innernets. (Kes and Janeway)
2022: No entry.
2021: No entry.
2020: Wild Bill would like to speak to your manager.
2019: Henri is the biggest of the litter, and thus Fred’s nickname for him is “Chonks.”
2018: Please look closely and admire Cruise’s teeny tongue.
2017: Snack time at the milk bar buffet.
2016: “Good morning, innernets! Is you awake yet?”
2015: “This a good sock, lady. I approves.”
2014: Ralph’s got places to GO, y’all.
2013: :::maniacal laughter::
2012: “It’s infested with a Joe Pickle. This sink does NOT pass inspection. Joe Pickles are impossible to get rid of.”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: I’m thinking, one more kitten tries to squeeze in that bed, it’ll explode.
2008: Kara goes to Petsmart.
2007: Keith, doing standup while Chemda gauges audience reaction.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.