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Troi strikes a pose atop the cat tree.
Kes relaxes in the rocket scratcher.
Kirk and Troi atop the cat tree in my bedroom. They can (and have) jumped from the top of that tree to the top of my desk many times (you can see a corner of my desk in the lower right part of the picture, under the watermark). Yesterday, Kirk wanted to jump from my desk to the scratcher and he looked and looked, then he crouched and wiggled his butt. Then he SPRANG! into the air, hung there for several seconds, and then dropped straight to the floor. Kes, who was snoozing in the lower part of that tree, was startled awake, lifted straight up into the air, and landed right next to him. They floofed and skittered at each other for a full 10 seconds before they ran off in different directions. And me without my camera (I swear I need to just get a GoPro camera and wear it on my head 24/7.)
Janeway gets a snootful of Newt. A sNewtful, if you will.
Kirk, Troi and Kes on the stairs.
Spock shows that dishtowel who the boss is.
The kittens really like to hang out in the dining room. (We are slowly getting that room painted and looking like a real room. We still have to put some trim around the bottom of some of the baseboards, but it’s mostly done.)
Nap time with Troi, Kes and Kirk.
Kirk got too close to Alice, who slapped at him, and then his tail – already floofy – went FLOOF.
Kirk’s all “Don’t know why she had to be so rude.”
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Breakfast is served! Clockwise from top left: Kes, Janeway, Spock, Kirk and Troi. (Side note: Kes and Janeway weigh exactly the same, Kes’s floof just makes her look like she’s twice as big as Janeway!)
Former foster update: Uhura (now Toast), who went home a little over a week ago. How adorable is she? Stephanie reports that she’s doing great – they’ve had a sweet week with Toast’s purr-sonality coming out more and more each day. ❤️ (Thank you so much, Stephanie!)
YouTube link
It’s play time in the kitten room, and Janeway has donned her crazypants.
Is it just me, or did Troi’s ears double in size overnight?
YouTube link
I pulled a couple of clips from the crazypants video I posted a few hours ago, and slowed them wayyy down. Kes and Janeway, in slow motion!
That is a very floofy Kes pie. (My favorite!)
Good night innernets. (Spock was sound asleep. That boy loves to sleep in the least comfortable-looking positions!)
2022: Nacho reaches… and Mike imitates!
2021: No entry.
2020: No entry.
2019: Here’s what a full milk bar looked like 3 months ago…
2018: “More bath, Mama?”
2017: “Innernets, that lady trimmed my claws and messed up my pawdicure and I am displeased with this.”
2016: No entry.
2015: No entry.
2014: “Am trying to nap, lady. You go ‘way.”
2013: I kind of hate it when they walk around with litter in their mouths, but doesn’t it look like Tony has one big tooth sticking out the side of his mouth?
2012: Pardon me, Jake, your tunes appear to be looning.
2011: Maxi Monday.
2010: No entry.
2009: “I disapprove of this behavior.”
2008: They are scared. I mean SCARED.
2007: No entry.
2006: “The only crime here is how good-lookin’ I am.”
2005: Oh, how I’m going to miss his stinky little butt!