This reminds me – the comments used to have a 15-minute grace period to made changes. (There’s nothing like clicking Send or Post Comment to make typos and such suddenly jump out.) Is the new, do-your-crossword-in-ink style a WordPress change, or were commenters getting irritated having to wait for their posts to appear?
A plugin made that possible, and when my site started breaking due to the incredibly crappy, out-of-date WordPress design I’ve been using, I had to go through and de-activate all the plugins to see what was causing the issue. Once I get the new design up and running (which may be as soon as this weekend), I’ll re-activate all the plugins, including that one.
I wasn’t going to comment because I was sure someone beat me to it. But I just checked and no one else seems to think that Spock could be Puff’s brother. I know they aren’t identical, but Puff was the first thing that came to mind when I first saw Spock. Their fur looks like it has the identical texture. Or maybe it’s just me.
I thought it, too, but it’s Spock’s potato shape and round noggin as much as his coloring that made me think of Puff.
I’ve thought that myself, and a handful of people (including Puff/Hook’s mama) have mentioned that, and I need to dig around in the pics and do a side by side collage!
How do you move a mama and babies from downstairs? Do you carry the mama separately to avoid her possibly tromping on the babies if she freaks out, or is separating her even for a short time more stressful? Do you need to cover the carrier so she doesn’t catch a glimpse of any permies?
I keep mama in the carrier with her kittens, and toss a towel across the top of the carrier, though there’s not usually a permanent resident in sight when I walk through the door with a carrier (the top of the carriers kind of rattle, and our cats KNOW the sound, so usually vamoose when they hear it.) When I move them from my office to the foster room (as I did with Uhura and her bunch), I put mama in with the kittens, zip the crate closed and carry the whole thing from one room to another, which only takes about 20 seconds.
Ah! I don’t think I’ve seen your excellent stair rail guard before! I know I worry about staircases and silly kittens that think they can defy gravity, too!
I noticed that, too. Who cares about decor? It is all about the safety of the kittens! One has to keep their priorities straight!
I actually want to replace the cardboard with plastic (the cardboard was supposed to be temporary, but it’s been there for more than a year now). I have the roll of plastic and have had it for several months but… the cardboard works good enough for now, so I am not terribly motivated to get it done. One of these days! (And then I’ll say “That was so easy. Why’d I put it off for so long?)
It’s Jake and Elwood Day! 2009.
Can you guys EVEN believe it’s been 14 years since Jake and Elwood were left on our doorstep? They were just the BEST. (And I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since we said goodbye to Jake, the best boy ever.)
Kirk’s all “Where ya going?!”
I guess Spock’s got things to do.
Meanwhile, everyone else is just hanging out in the crate biting each others’ legs (Kes and Janeway) or rolling around on their backs (Kirk), or pondering the meaning of life (Troi.)
Troi comes out for a look around.
Everyone at the milk bar (Kes is playing while waiting for a seat to open up.)
Spock goes for the ol’ chomperoo, but Kes is totally unbothered.
Spock leaves the milk bar to inspect the structural integrity of the crate.
I guess it meets his approval.
After the milk bar walked off Spock, Troi and Kirk walked over to that very soft blanket, and Janeway and Kes stayed where they were.
Every time I notice that bed – which is located on the bottom shelf of Fred’s bedside table), I think “I should take that bed away, no one ever uses it.” And within a few hours, as though he’s read my mind, Charlie rediscovers the bed and decides it’s his favorite place EVER.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Troi has a delightful little belly.
There’s a kitten meeting in the crate to which Spock was apparently not invited, and it looks like Kes is in troublllllle.
YouTube link
Throw Back Thursday: No matter how many pictures I take, this is always and forever going to be one of my favorites. It’s from 2015, and those kittens were 3 of the 4 Squash Bugs (Zucchini, Calabash and Pattypan.) Their sister Ambercup was in my lap, getting her bottle, and OH MY LORD the DRAMA. They were 100% sure they were going to STARVE TO DEATH. (Spoiler: they did not.)
YouTube link
Throw Back Thursday: Chip, our foster in 2017, was the BAYbee-est BAYbee ever. Every time I asked, he’d answer me! Of note: That’s Uncle Dewey with him at the very beginning (Dewey does not like to have his picture taken these days, and it’s a decision I’ve decided to respect.) Also shown: Chip’s brother Gaston, who was sometimes a BAYbee. They were adopted together; I’d love to know how they’re doing these days, if their people are out there!
Throw Back Thursday: Another favorite picture. From 2005, those kittens are from the third litter we ever fostered. In the back is Little Cal, on the left is Sad Eyes, and flying through the air is Barrett (there was a 4th kitten, not pictured, named Smitty.)(I did not name these kittens.) I love this picture so very much, not least because Sad Eyes became permanent resident Sugarbutt, and Barrett became permanent resident Tom Cullen. They were with us until they passed away about a month apart in 2015, at the age of 10. (They were the best cats ever.)
Good night innernets. (Troi, using Janeway as a pillow.)
2022: Now it’s 6-kitten pie!
2021: Hannah Hollandaise puts the ol’ chomperoo on Franco Fondue – who looks more amused than anything.
2020: Meeting Uncle Archie.
2018: No entry.
2017: I can’t stand how cute he is!
2016: “I’m not crazy, lady. I’m not going over THERE.”
2015: Phelps has had his bottle, obviously.
2014: She is just the silliest little goofball, this girl.
2012: Saying goodbye to Rupert.
2011: Sights from around Crooked Acres.
2010: He meows, stretches, then goes down the cat tree, meowing the entire way.
2009: Have I mentioned that Sam is a back climber?
2008: Kara & babies.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Yesterday afternoon Rambo and Jodie were snuggled up on the cat bed on my desk, and she sat up and stretched, and then there was this ::fwoomp!::, and she was gone.