This has to be the most roly poly litter ever! I don’t remember, at this age, kittens that roll around so much. You aren’t concerned about cerebellum hyperplasia or some other condition that would cause that?
Also, while I’m worrying over the imperfections, I noticed the kittens sneezing a bit in the one video, I can’t remember the topic. Everyone ok?
I’d say they’re about as roly-poly as previous litters. Kittens who haven’t left the crate yet just love to roll around on their backs and wave their legs around. I’m not concerned about CH, especially now that they’re all leaving the crate and seem pretty steady.
And yes, there has been some sneezing, but no goopy eyes and no congestion, so I’m not concerned.
I’m enjoying watching Myrtle as I adopted my first Calico about 3 years ago, when she was 3. Her name is Daisy. I didn’t get to see her as a kitten, so very intrigued by Myrtle.
My Daisy is a longhair, do you think Myrtle will be as well?
No, the only one who’s floofy in this bunch is Zelda – I expect everyone else to turn out to be shorthair (although I wouldn’t mind being wrong! I haven’t had very many floofy kittens, I’d love to have some more!)
What does a day in the life of Robyn look like?
How do you organize your time between the foster kittens/room and household every day stuff and the permanent residents?
You are able to get so many amazing photos and videos, it makes me curious how you manage to do it all. Supposing you aren’t some sort of super-human or have a secret clone of yourself helping you do it all.
Oh, it’s a pretty relaxed schedule. Generally I get up a little after 6, take a shower, fed Daisy, check on the kittens, clean up the kitchen, check on all the permanent residents, hang out with the fosters, do whatever is on the top of my “to do” list (yesterday was Thursday so I took recycling to the recycling place, picked up some eggs, and went by the grocery store and bank.) I eat breakfast around 9, putter around outside watering whatever needs to be watered, clean and refill bird baths, refill bird feeders if needed. Daisy eats again around noon, and while she’s eating I usually hang out with the fosters for a while, and take a ton of pictures and videos, and give Daisy love and attention after she’s done eating.
After she’s eaten, I eat lunch, check on the permanent residents again, and then settle in at my computer to look through pictures and videos. I generally make one pass through the pictures I’ve taken, and then do a slower look through. Once pictures for the next day’s post are chosen, I edit them (I do only the simplest of editing – cropping and lightening. Anything much more than that is beyond me), watermark them, and then usually wander off to hang out with Daisy and the kittens some more. I try to do something else on my “to do” list in early to mid afternoon, but I didn’t get that done yesterday (I so desperately need to get my closet cleaned out, but SO BORING). I don’t remember what else I did – puttered around doing a little of this, a little of that.
Late afternoon, I give Daisy another meal, hang out with her and the kittens, and then start writing my blog post for the next day. The posts are usually pretty easy to write – it’s the choosing and editing of pictures that really takes up the most amount of time. I get it written, schedule it to post at 5 am, and then try to get some more housework-type stuff done. In the evenings, Fred and I generally watch TV for a while, I feed Daisy again, and hang out with the kittens some more. If I have time before bed, I might schedule social media posts and videos for the next day (and if not, I let it wait until the morning.) I’m in bed by 10 and usually watch some trashy TV or scroll mindlessly on social media, then read and am asleep by midnight.
So as you can see – it’s a pretty free-form schedule. It’s set up so that if I needed to drop everything and leave the house (take a cat to the vet, run a sudden errand), I can do so. The only firm part of the schedule is the feeding schedule and getting the blog post done before bed, and honestly – since Fred works from home, if I suddenly need to fly to Hawaii for an unexpected vacation (don’t I WISH), he can pretty much cover the feeding-the-cats part of it. (“Why isn’t Fred accompanying you on this luxurious vacation?” you’re asking – and DUH, he’s gotta feed the cats!) I get more done some days than others, but most mornings I wake up thinking “OH MAN I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!” and hit the ground running.
(Did that answer the question? Because I feel like I went kind of off-topic there!)
Looks like the milk bar got up and walked off. Jay’s all “Where’d she GO?”
Jay’s face is KILLING ME. Looks like he’s got a complaint.
He is so pleased with himself.
Nick’s appreciating that sunshine. Amazing what you find when you come out of the crate, isn’t it?
Zelda was the first kitten to climb into my lap (she’s such a smart girl.)
Myrtle’s not quite sure where she’s headed.
Nick at the milk bar. I love Daisy’s protective paw.
Nick climbed into my lap and fell asleep shortly after.
Myrtle considers her next step.
Daisy suggests Zelda reconsider that slappin’ paw.
Daisy’s all “Oh, man. They’re gonna start following me all over the room? I didn’t okay this!”
An old shot of Dewey in the catnip pot. (That catnip plant continues to live, and is still in that same pot! Dewey still enjoys his occasional nap among the catnip.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
YouTube link
Finally, Nick decided it was time to leave the crate!!! (The milk bar is magic.)
Note about the suncatcher/crystal/prism: I’ve taken it down from the window because it bothered me how the light kept shining in Daisy’s eyes. (It didn’t bother HER, but it bothered ME.)
I’m feeling some sassy attitude (sass-itude) from Zelda and Jay.
Jay’s all “High five, y’all!” (Jay is very often the only one awake while his slacker siblings snooze.)
YouTube link
Daisy has the sweetest non-stop purrr. She is such a sweetheart!
Line ’em up! Left to right: Myrtle, Jay, Nick and Zelda.
YouTube link
Good night innernets, from Nick (falling asleep in my lap), Zelda (falling asleep in the crate), Jay (falling asleep on the floor under my leg), and Myrtle (falling asleep in the crate.) ❤
2022: “Lady! Show the innernets that I gots a foot and toeses!”
2021: Can I interest you in a cuppa Pinochle?
2020: Mama Isabella came through her spay surgery just fine.
2019: This laundry assistant is terrible at sock-folding.
2018: No entry.
2017: “Who you callin’ a chunky monkey, lady?”
2016: This seems safe and not at all like you’ll break your neck, little girl.
2015: Eyezapoppin’.
2012: No entry.
2011: Vicious, vicious pups.
2010: “What’s a ‘toes’?”
2009: Like a circus, is what I expect it’ll be like!
2008: HG, on the other hand, behaved himself quite nicely, spent most of the night on the end of the bed (which means I had five cats on the bed with me, but still managed to sleep pretty well) and didn’t make any trouble.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.