Daisy keeps an eye on Lilly, who is slurping from DAISY’S OWN WATER BOWL (the nerve.)
Lilly likes the curvy scratcher.
“Tryin’ to take a nap here, lady. You mind?” Lilly says.
Lincoln’s all “You not coming any closer, right, lady?”
He is just so absolutely adorable.
Lincoln keeps an eye on the feather teaser.
Yesterday afternoon, we made the decision to move Lilly and Lincoln into the foster room together, and to move Daisy into my office (where Lincoln had been.) It’s not what I really wanted to do, but Lilly has been getting more and more bored, and by yesterday morning she was absolutely bouncing off the walls. It was clear to us that she really needs a kitten her own age to play with – it would have been nice if Daisy would have played with her (but Daisy’s got other things on her mind, so I can’t blame her for not wanting to play), and if we had room (and a more tolerant husband type), we could have added some age-appropriate kittens for her to play with. But alas, we’ve got what we’ve got, so Lincoln and Lilly are reunited in the foster room and Daisy has moved, as Fred said, “From the Hilton to the Super 8 Motel.” (I’ve never stayed at a Hilton – I understand they’re fancy? – but have stayed at plenty of Super 8s and they were fine. Not fancy, but FINE. Who needs fancy?) Almost immediately, once they were back together, Lincoln became friendlier and more interested in the humans, and Lilly (who we’ve been able to pet and pick up for the past week) became much more skittish. I’m sure it’ll take a few days to settle in, and maybe she’ll return to her calmer nature. I hope.
Daisy took the whole move in stride. In my opinion, the view out the window in my office is better than the kitten room windows, because it looks directly onto the side field, with no rooflines to block the view. I think Daisy agrees – every time I checked on her, she was on the tree watching the birds on the privet below the window. Like I said, a mother cat and her newborns don’t need much room for the first month or so, so this will be okay for now.
An old shot of Dewey so that y’all don’t forget what a cutie cute cute he is. That nose! Those teef! Those toebeans! He’s the total package, that boy.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Lilly, using the mirror to keep an eye on me.
YouTube link
Daisy and I are watching Lilly play.
Just as I took this picture, a dog started barking outside, and Lilly gave me this look.
YouTube link
Daisy’s alien belly. There’s a LOT of belly movement going on – which means we’ve got less than 2 weeks ’til kittens. Less, actually – I made this video Friday (& then was in the middle of reformatting my computer, so didn’t get a chance to get this put together until now.)
Is that the smug face of a Daisy who gave Lilly the ol’ slapperoo? It is indeed. (And with the size of those paws, it must’ve felt like she was being smacked by a truck.)
2022: Mimosa’s kittens, named!
2021: There are hissing kittens in this post!
2020: No entry.
2019: She is one smart cookie.
2018: Katarina’s all pawsed-up, y’all.
2017: Ready, set, toes!
2014: Do you SEE the size of that back foot?
2013: “Look, taking pictures of a pregnant lady looking wide is extremely RUDE and I would recommend you STOP.”
2012: But in an instant, without warning, it all goes TERRIBLY WRONG.
2011: Spanky and the nanner.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Questions & answers about the pigs.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.