Do you have a photo of Archie and Charlie together? I’m still having trouble telling them apart. thanks.
I have a few!
Basically, Charlie is darker and has bolder stripes, and also has a lot more white.
Also, the 2012 entry is pretty epic. Pigs up to (unseen) shenanigans and whatnot. And look at all those comments! The conversation about how to tell George and Gracie apart, and potential underpinnings of the clothing variety, is hilarious.
Ah, those were the days! I have a ton of “life around Crooked Acre” pics to share (and maybe I’ll do that soon!), but I do sometimes miss the days with the pigs, the chickens, and the dogs.
Side note: Our current house is located about 10 minutes from Crooked Acres, and I drive by there every few weeks. Recently I drove by and discovered that the current owners have a couple of HORSES in the back forty! I found that interesting.
Francesca, lounging on the Mister Boogers pillow, in (well, near) the sun.
Nacho atop the air purifier, trying to look innocent.
Gus, Mike and Lalo enjoy that window hammock.
Gus gives me the ol’ chomperoo.
Nacho’s got a very thin ring of blue around her eyes, but at this point I’m guessing they’re going to end up a very pretty green.
“Lady, GIVE me that camera, I needs to take a selfie!” Lalo, the aspiring photographer.
Saul appears to be in the midst of an existential crisis.
Kim’s all “This bed is comfy, where ya been hiding it?!”
I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet (it’s been a busy week for me), but the boys are going for their neuters at the end of next week. The girls are scheduled for their spays in mid-November. At this point, only Lalo and Gus are spoken for. Hopefully families for the others will show up (but also, I haven’t been “advertising” them either, so I suppose I should get my act together and start doing that!)
Archie’s got his Diet Mountain Lightning (I believe this is a Mountain Dew knockoff, but as I’m not the one who drinks it, I can’t swear to that) and his (un)comfy table, and so he’s happy to snooze the day away.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
5 out of 6 kittens (Nacho was across the room). In the window hammock: Gus, Lalo, and Mike (standing on the windowsill). In the crown bed: Francesca. And Saul on the little scratcher/tree.
Throw Back Thursday: Back in 2015, when I had bottle babies Skinny Pete (pictured), Badger and Combo, I used rice socks for the first time (rice in a sock, warmed up in a microwave.) All three kittens liked the rice socks, but Skinny Pete LOVED hers, and I often found her snoozing atop one of the socks.
YouTube link
I have no idea why my feet are suddenly so interesting (they’re certainly not new slippers), but the kittens had to come sniff ’em all over. Also, Mike has a happy.
Throw Back Thursday: In 2015, we had a litter of kittens named after swimmers (because they were rescued from a puddle in a storm). I posted a picture, someone pointed out that it looked like an album cover, and then I amused myself.
YouTube link
I don’t know what substance these kittens are on, but they are WILD this afternoon.
Nacho’s keeping an eye on me. Someone’s gotta!
Good night innernets. (Nacho, on the Fancy Sofa.)
2021: No entry.
2020: Athos went home last night!
2019: In case you somehow missed it, Margeaux and Katriane headed home Friday.
2018: We’re gonna need a bigger plate!
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: Have you heard the rumors?
2014: On Tuesdays we leap (and climb).
2013: Adriana waits patiently for the mother ship to call her home.
2012: No entry.
2011: George and Gracie Friday!
2010: No entry.
2009: He cracks me up, that boy.
2008: Look at Delmar over there on the right, giving me the sass as if he doesn’t fling himself onto his back at the slightest touch.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: “M-O-O-N!” Fred said. “That spells Tom Cullen!”