Hollyhock is absolutely fascinated by my desk.
Mondo just hanging out on the windowsill, hugging the file cabinet. As you do.
Kudzu using Mr. Rattie as a pillow.
Clover (front) and Mondo are pretty sure it’s time for a nap.
They are raaather fond of the big cat tree downstairs, if you hadn’t noticed.
Hollyhock climbed up to the top of the tree just so I could get a picture of all 5 of them on the tree. She’s a giver!
The kittens are off for their surgeries today! I expect we’ll be back here in time for a long afternoon nap. Usually the boys don’t even notice anything’s different. I expect Hollyhock will bounce back pretty quickly, too.
They’re 13 weeks old today!
Alice is all “Tryin’ to sleep here, lady.”
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
My new assistant felt the need to taste-test the tissues. (Don’t worry, I took the box away from her!)
It is Taco Tuesday; may I offer you a Bramble taco? Can you handle the heat?
YouTube link
The kittens discovered an area of the downstairs I refer to as “Khal’s play area” because permanent resident Khal LOVES those track toys. I can often hear him playing in the middle of the night.
That is the Catit Design Sense Circuit, and it is apparently awesome.
It’s Toesday, which is when I try to remember to trim the kittens’ claws. Clover takes up much more of my lap than he did when I first started trimming claws!
YouTube link
Complaints? They’ve got a few. It always cracks me up just how talkative these kittens are when they’re sleepy.
Line ’em up! Left to right: Kudzu, Clover, Hollyhock, Bramble and Mondo.
Good night innernets. (Kudzu & Mondo)
2021: Now there’s no stopping him, I suppose.
2020: Paws up, y’all!
2019: No entry.
2018: Consumption of the KitNipBox is coming along nicely.
2017: Is very important to floss every day, as illustrated by Roux.
2016: “I gots ALL the toys!”
2015: Lucy’s Fools are 2 weeks old!
2014: No entry.
2013: He just lubs his mama.
2012: Meet the new guys.
2011: Don’t you just love the little spotted belly?
2010: “Bleh. This mouse tastes funny.”
2009: Look at the little smile on her face!
2008: No entry.
2007: It appears that Sugarbutt got started on that nap without me.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.