Clover liked the fleece bed, but his claw got stuck, and he wasn’t sure what to do. (I helped him, of course.)
Bramble puts the ol’ chomperoo on the crate.
Clover found a toy and thinks it’s kinda awesome.
Mimosa got up and walked away to eat, and Kudzu had feelings about that.
Clover found another toy and thought it smelled interesting.
Hollyhock could not possibly be any cuter.
An old shot of Dewey, so y’all don’t forget what a good-looking boy he is. (For the newer readers: Dewey decided one day that he doesn’t want his picture taken, and if I so much as think about taking his picture, he vamooses into another dimension. I spent about a year sneaking up on him only to have him go ::poof!:: and finally I decided that I’d respect his wishes. I hope that one day he’ll change his mind.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
“Innernets, please admire my toeses,” requests Kudzu.
Mimosa’s tail is an EXCELLENT toy, according to Bramble and Mondo.
YouTube link
Look at those kittens, toddling all over the place! (And please note, at the beginning, that Hollyhock actually picked up that toy. She’s a genius!)
Bramble likes to sit here and bite the crate (Hollyhock loves to do that, too.)
YouTube link
Some kittens (lookin’ at you, Bramble) want to play more than they want to nurse. He eventually makes his way over to the milk bar, after Mama tells him to stop foolin’ around.
Bramble, Mondo and Clover curled up together for a nap.
Good night innernets. (Mimosa and from left: Mondo, Clover, Kudzu, Bramble and Hollyhock.)
2021: Uno relives her birth experience.
2020: A little more skitterbugging from Pablo.
2019: Laura and Mary were SO CONFUSED by Pa’s lack of a milk bar.
2018: That little gray one really likes those tuxie girls.
2017: “Or not. Ha ha. Suckerrr.”
2016: “Come HERE and give Mama a hug!”
2015: Are we sensing a theme here?
2014: Gracey and Kaleb.
2013: Eyeball check!
2012: Then she hits the ground and is like “Wait. I’m a CHICKEN. I can’t FLY. Hmph.”
2011: “There are no other cats. There is only Maggie.”
2010: “That’s right, I done it, copper. I done it, and I’d do it again.”
2009: (I like to think that maybe someone who lives down the road was sitting in front of their TV and was struck with the sudden urge to grab the camera and go upstairs, and that they said “But I don’t HAVE an upstairs!”)
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.