Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr Roundup.
Hooray, hooray, Tater Tot was adopted and headed home today! She’s going home to North Carolina where she’ll be joining kitty brothers Woody & Buzz, and puppy brother Brinkley. AND you can follow them all on Instagram! @sirbrinkleypickles Happy life, sweet girl.
I checked in on Funnel Cake this morning (they were going to drive 3 hours after they picked him up yesterday, spend the night in a hotel, and then continue on home to Houston today). Marilynn reported: “He was so quiet in the car! Not a peep. We drove to Meridian, MS and got a room. He ate a can of baby food and wandered around explored a bit before the real lovin’ started. He slept in the bed with us and was so sweet “ I love it! (Thanks, Marilynn!)
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Wild Bill update! He’s doing great, has settled in and is the best of friends with his brother Loki. (Thanks, Boozer!)
The kitten formerly known as Tater Tot – she’s now Periwinkle (Peri for short) – has made it home! Shelly reports: She was such a good girl. Whined at first but settled in and slept the whole trip. She hasn’t eaten yet but she is Very Busy. Walks around purring and making biscuits, comes by for a quick pet then is off again. Won’t stop long enough for a good picture. She hasn’t met anyone yet but did floof (just her tail – it’s hilarious!) when she heard the dog whining outside the door. The pic is of her looking to the door with the dog on the other side. I’ll keep you posted as she meets her siblings tomorrow. (Thanks, Shelly!)
Look who it is! There’s the happy, snuggly boy formerly known as Buffalo Bill – he’s now Klaus, short for Niklaus, one of the vampires from the TV show The Originals. I think that’s a great name for that sweet bat-faced kitten. (Thanks, Debbie!)
Good night innernets. (Fritter & Eclair)
And then there were 7.
Remember these sweet faces? Sure you do! That’s Jasmine (formerly Cutey) and Clyde, from the Fluffles – add-ins to Bunny’s litter – earlier this year. They’re now living their best life in Birmingham, and look how FABULOUS they are! Jodi says: I got out my phone to take a video of the kittens (I will have to stop using that label.) playing on their little couches. They are so cute how they tumble all around them and hide behind them and jump at each other. I bought the couches before I even got them months ago. I got the idea because it was discussed on your blog. They have loved their little couches. One of the best purchases. It is the first thing they play on in the morning. However, when I got out my phone to take a video Jasmine decided to pose. Of course, Clyde will not be outdone. Sweet little posers! (Thanks, Jodi!)
Look, look! It’s Orange and Tan, the kittens we kitten-sat for Lexi over Thanksgiving weekend! I swear they look bigger already. They’re doing great (turns out Tan’s a girl) and as you can see they’re in capable hands.
Pro tip: if you’re going to wrap a kitten in lights, make sure they’re not twinkly lights, because it’ll look like half the bulbs are dead. #TheMoreYouKnow
Annie Oakley, the gorgeous girl with the stunning markings, soft and silky fur, and attitude for days is available for adoption! She started out to be a skittish one, but is more confident now. She’s not a lapcat, though she has lapcat moments and if she’s feeling nice she might come and sit in your lap briefly while you pet her and tell her how pretty she is. She’s okay with being held, but is still extremely weirded out by kisses. Keep your lips to YOURSELF, please.
What I’m saying is that our girl lives life on her own terms. She’s a sweet girl and will probably turn out to be a snuggly lapcat, but it’s going to take time and patience to get there. She is very worth the wait! She loves to follow you around and howl at you if she thinks it’s time to eat (she always thinks it might be time to eat). She is a super playful girl who loves to choose a toy – her current favorite is an orange felt ball – and carry it around while growling proudly about her “kill.” She really likes to be up high, and if there’s a high shelf to explore, she’s gonna get there and explore it. She gets along great with other cats (though she’ll be floofy and a little growly at first). She must go to a home with a playful kitty OR be adopted with another kitten. If you’re looking for a pair, she and Eclair are great friends, she’s often seen playing with Pretzel – really, she’s good friends with all her foster siblings.
If Annie Oakley looks like your kinda girl, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire.
“Oh, I’m not playing with these lights, I’m just gathering them up. I wouldn’t try to bite them or anything. Really!”
Eclair is a helper, is what she is. AND she’s available for adoption! She is a super sweet and friendly girl who loves to snuggle and has a strange obsession with sniffing your eyes. (We don’t know what that’s about, but we suspect she might be a doctor in training. She’s checking our health!) She loves to be snuggled, LOVES to curl up around your head if you’re lying down, and if you feel the occasional sniff in your eyeball region, well, it might be a little weird but won’t hurt a bit.
She is VERY playful and at this point in time is obsessed with a catnip “turkey leg” and likes to carry it around while growling at the other kittens so they don’t get her “kill.” If she can’t find her turkey leg, she’ll carry around a soda bottle cap or a toy with attached feathers. She’s not picky! She loves the track toy, loves to wrestle with her foster siblings, and if you snatch her up and flip her onto her back, she just lies there and purrs up at you. She needs to be in a home with another playful cat – she gets along great with other cats, and if you’re looking for a pair, she’s buddies with Annie Oakley, Fritter, and Pretzel.
If Eclair looks like your kinda girl, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire.
Funnel Cake (now Bobby!) AND Carmelita! Marilynn reports: Settled in nicely, ran around all night occasionally stopping by for love. Carmie is a little jealous but seemed to soften as she smelled the toys. Next hurtle, going to pick up the dogs. Wish us luck!!
Can you believe what a gorgeous girl Carmelita has grown to be? I mean, I CAN, I just love seeing it! I always send a bag of toys home with fosters so that they’ll have something familiar (and if I see that a particular toy is their favorite I’ll be sure to send it with them, too.)
(Thanks, Marilynn!)
Oh dear lord. It looks like Bobby (formerly Funnel Cake) is pretty unconcerned about that dog. (Please note Luby’s head hanging out of that tunnel. Marilynn said she thinks Funnel Cake and Luby played all night long.) This would be a perfect Christmas card, wouldn’t it? (Thanks, Marilynn!)
Hooray, hooray, Onion Ring was adopted and went home TODAY! He joins a family that includes former foster Piper – she was Ryder’s daughter Dynamo – as well as sisters Bailey and Francine and brother Julius! Happy life, sweet boy.
Utterly ridiculous. (Good night innernets, from Annie Oakley, Pretzel and Fritter.)
And then there were 6.
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Onion Ring this morning. I would say he’s one happy boy! (Thanks, Katelyn!)
I meant to share this before Peri (formerly Tater Tot) went home. That’s her on the left on October 14th, and on the right on December 3rd. One thing that didn’t change: weird lady is weird. (Reminder: you can follow Peri and her brothers on Instagram at @sirbrinkleypickles !)
Toward the end of last week, I took this picture with the intention of posting it yesterday and announcing that we were down to 8 kittens who were available for adoption. And then in short order Buffalo Bill was adopted, Hush Puppy & French Fry were spoken for, and then yesterday Onion Ring was adopted! But it’s still an adorable picture so I’m posting it anyway. Left to right: Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley, Hush Puppy, French Fry, Fritter, Eclair, Onion Ring and Pretzel.
Yesterday I took this picture of the 5 kittens still available for adoption – and then Onion Ring was adopted! (See earlier pic – obviously I need to take a picture today of the 4 still available so that by tomorrow another will have been adopted!) In any case, it’s so cute I’m posting it anyway. Left to right: Eclair, Pretzel, Annie Oakley, Onion Ring and Fritter. (All but Onion Ring are still available for adoption. Email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire.)
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The clown car is getting to be downright roomy! (This is from yesterday, before Onion Ring went home.)
Fritter is such a snugglebug. If you wondered.
Good night innernets. (Yes, that is permanent resident Charlie-formerly-Aramis, and yes he is in Alice’s heated house. Luckily, there are 3 other heated spots on the screened-in porch, so Alice found another place to hang out until Charlie got bored and left.)
I knew the instant I saw that picture on the left that I was looking at Isabella’s son Los Mewchachos Pablo (he’s now Rocky.) Which meant that that gorgeous boy on the right was Diego (now Flint.) Look how beautiful they are!
Callie said: My boys have settled in perfectly and have made new friends. Seeing the recent post of Carmelita, I couldn’t believe how much her and Flint favor! Flint ( Diego ) is my shadow; whatever I’m doing, he’s doing. He’s such a lovebug and even tells me when it’s time to go to bed! Rocky ( Pablo ) is my WILD CHILD and we love him for it. He’s constantly into something and know when we hear a crashing noise that Rocky is involved! He’s a beautiful, sweet boy; not a cuddler, but loves to be petted. Thanks again for trusting me with these sweet, sweet souls! (Thanks, Callie!)
Here are the 4 kittens we have left available for adoption. (Hush Puppy & French Fry are pending adoption and scheduled to go home on Friday). From left to right: Fritter, Pretzel, Eclair and Annie Oakley (Eclair and Annie Oakley aren’t related, but they sure look like sisters!) Fritter, Eclair and Pretzel are all sweet, playful snugglers who love kisses. Annie Oakley is a sweetheart who will snuggle for a moment here and there, but thinks you should just keep your ding dang lips to yourself. If any (or many) of these four look like they belong in YOUR home, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire.
Kittens must go to a home with at least one other playful cat in residence OR be adopted in pairs. We are located in Huntsville, Alabama and YOU MUST COME HERE TO COMPLETE THE ADOPTION; we don’t ship kittens. (I know it won’t stop people from asking, but at least this way I can just make a mean face and point to the all-caps segment of this post.) (LOL like anyone reads this far.)
Ooh, Eclair pie. My favorite! (Please note that Eclair is multi-tasking with the Eyes of Lurve and also kneading. She’s a talented girl!)
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Imagine that – going from 15 to 6 kittens results in a much quieter kitten room. Who’d have known?
Annie Oakley’s melting in the sun.
Good night innernets. (Fritter)
And there were… wait a minute. CHARLIE! (The kittens don’t mind if Uncle Charlie joins in on their breakfast.)
4 years ago we were fostering this young cat whose name was “Dustin.” (We eventually decided to adopt him because he was such a scaredy cat that I couldn’t stand the thought of him at Petsmart; also, he and Frankie were good buddies, and he got along with all the other permanent residents as well. He became Dewey.)
This conversation, which I posted in the blog with this picture, still cracks me up.
”What kind of a name is JUSTIN for a cat?” Fred scoffed yesterday.
“His name is Dustin,” I said.
“Well, then,” said Fred.
This cute kitty girl is Dora – she was Kara’s daughter Inara when we fostered her back in 2008 (!), and was one of the very first litter we ever had born under our roof. (Kara gave birth about 30 hours after I brought her home, thus setting me up for a decade+ of shattered expectations with all these pregnant foster cats who wait forever to give birth!)
Dora is not SPOILED, she insists. But she is sharing a space heater with her Dad, and he may have just turned it a little in her direction so she wouldn’t be cold. (SO spoiled.)
(Thanks, Katherine!)
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This is post-dinner. All of them had eaten their fill, and I put the empty plates on the counter to take downstairs. Apparently French Fry decided that throwing the plates on the floor would make more food appear – and everyone else was on board with that idea.
This was originally written (and posted in the blog) in 2009. It’s a perennial favorite. Go read it here!
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Who’s who in the kitten room (I should have done this when there were 15, but let’s be honest – they moved around so much, I would have introduced the same kittens 3 times and missed someone.)
As I was looking through Vittles pics the other night, I saw this one again – Wild Bill and Funnel Cake in mid-collision in mid-October – and it made me laugh out loud. They were so tiny, but so WILD.
Good night innernets. (Pretzel & French Fry)
Annie Oakley just realized Hush Puppy doesn’t have a tail.
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The kittens love the BOLT laser light (and Fritter casually walking across dragging the featherless feather teaser cracks me up.)
Hooray, hooray, French Fry and Hush Puppy were adopted and went home today! They join big (kitty) brother Oscar (also a housepanther) and a couple of human big brothers. Hush Puppy will keep his name; French Fry will get a new name once they’ve found one that fits her personality. Happy life, sweet babies.
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Napping with kittens (from before Hush Puppy and French Fry went home, obviously.)
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Annie Oakley had the crazies the other night (please notice that her tail is poofed.)
Good night innernets. (Annie Oakley)
I had to cut the sleeves off the Aldi wine bottle cover sweater because hunky mancat Fritter couldn’t fit his big muscly arms through the sleeves otherwise. Did you know that this hunka hunka burnin’ love is available for adoption? It’s true! He’s sweet, curious, snuggly, playful – the total package! Gets along great with other cats and loves to be kissed. If he sounds like your kinda guy, drop an email to Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org
He MUST go to a home with another playful cat in residence OR be adopted with another kitten. If you’re looking for a pair, he’s great friends with his sister Pretzel, and gets along great with foster siblings Annie Oakley and Eclair.
Eclair is not only cute, sweet, friendly and snuggly, she’s also willing to help wrap presents (especially if SHE is the present.) She’s available for adoption NOW – she gets along fabulously with other cats and needs to go to a home with another playful cat or be adopted with another kitten. If you’re looking for a pair, she’s great friends with her foster sister Annie Oakley, and also gets along great with foster siblings Pretzel and Fritter. If she seems like she’d be perfect in your home, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire.
We are located in Huntsville, Alabama and you must come here to complete the adoption ’cause we don’t ship kittens even if they DO fit perfectly in a medium-size flat rate USPS box.
Pretzel is willing to help decorate your tree as long as you realize she’s gonna pull off the decorations and play with them afterward. Pretzel – the little girl with the sweetest voice, who’s super talkative when she’s sleepy – is available for adoption NOW. She’s playful and super duper snuggly and like I mentioned – she has a very sweet voice when she’s sleepy and warning: it’ll make you want to hug her. She gets along great with other cats, and must go to a home with another playful cat in residence OR be adopted along with another kitten. If you’re looking for a pair, she’s good friends with her brother Fritter, and also gets along well with her foster sisters Annie Oakley and Eclair.
If she sounds like your kind of friend, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire. We are located in HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA and you must come here to complete the adoption. (If you live in a warm tropical location, we might be willing to deliver for the price of a first-class airline ticket and a week at a fancy beachside resort.)
Can you EVEN believe that this gorgeous girl – Annie Oakley – is still available for adoption? Sure she hates being kissed, but she’ll allow cuddles (for a short amount of time), she’s opinionated and doesn’t hesitate to let you know what she thinks. She’s funny and super playful, and (after some initial hissing and floofing) gets along great with other cats! If she sounds like the kind of independent sweetheart who’d fit perfectly in your home, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire.
She MUST go to a home with a playful cat OR be adopted with another kitten. If you’re looking for a pair, may we suggest her foster sister Eclair? They have a lot of fun together. She also gets along great with her foster siblings Pretzel and Fritter. We are located in HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA, and you must come here to complete the adoption. Last weekend two of our kittens were adopted to people in North Carolina and Texas, who – yes, they did – drove all that way to complete the adoptions. It’s SO WORTH IT.
In a basket atop a bunch of toys. What better place to hang out? (Pretzel)
I can’t get over how much these two – who are not related, remember – look and act so much like sisters. (Annie Oakley left, Eclair right.)
Good night innernets. (Fritter)
2019: (The wheels under Earl go ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round…)
2018: “GIMME that phone, I need to take a selfie!”
2017: I guess it’s the Archie Cave now.
2016: “You gonna take a nap with me?”
2015: No entry.
2014: I’m not kidding when I tell y’all that it has been a BANNER day.
2013: “UNHAND ME, LADY.”
2012: Kohle takes toe cleanliness seriously.
2011: “Hey! Lady! You come here and pet me!”
2010: Vampire kitteh is feeling bitey.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: The vet tech said that Stinkerbelle was a beautiful cat, and I could see Fred’s ego swell to twice its size.
2006: “You tawkin’ to me?”
2005: No entry.