ATTENTION: There’s a quilt raffle coming! You can start buying entries (by PayPal or mail-in check) next Saturday (September 5th) through the following Saturday (September 12th), and then we’ll draw the winner’s name here at Love & Hisses headquarters and stream it live on the Facebook page. So be ready to buy your entries – they’ll be $5 per entry, you can buy as many as you’d like – and go like the Forgotten Felines of Huntsville auction page and the event! (Pictures of the quilt coming later this week. It’s a beauty!)
Watching the ceiling fan pull swing back and forth. Exciting times, y’all.
D’Artagnan’s little face KILLS ME DEAD.
D’Artagnan, Porthos and Aramis, all in a row.
Aramis wonders why I keep telling him how pretty he is. He KNOWS.
D’Artagnan’s face. Have I mentioned it kills me?
“What’s going on, lady?” Porthos wonders.
Rochefort always looks so amused.
Winter wants me to come a litttttttle bit closer.
Constance finally hit the 2-pound mark yesterday! According to my weight chart, it took her a month to get from 1 to 2 pounds. I’ll be curious to see if it takes her that long to go from 2 to 3. Meanwhile, Rochefort is gunning for 3 pounds. And yet she regularly kicks his butt. She’s tiny but she’s fierce!
Looks like Jake needs the ol’ smackeroo, and Newt would be happy to make that happen.
2019: No entry.
2018: The fabulousness of Millie’s tail has not been discussed nearly enough, I feel, and she agrees.
2017: The little outstretched back leg. KILLING me.
2016: Privet seems to be unimpressed with Hemlock. “THIS idiot.”
2015: “Why you trim my claws, lady? WHY?”
2014: No entry.
2013: He’s a problem solver, our Brandon.
2012: She… misses and falls over backward!
2010: Bolitar and Rhyme are off to the adoption center later today.
2009: This is how the kittens feel about Mondays.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: He just sat there and gave me this look like “I will never yawn for you again, so save it, woman.”, then started falling asleep while sitting up.