Hello Benjamin Bunny. (I like that this picture shows the current color of his eyes. Still some blue!)
Benjamin was sound asleep, but woke as I tried to sneak up on him.
Benjamin and Clyde snuggle up for a nap.
Clyde, right in the middle of everything. I still haven’t seen Clyde and Cutey attempt to nurse – they’ve both sniffed around at the milk bar, and Bunny would 100% let them nurse if they wanted to, but they haven’t attempted it. I’m guessing they were too old by the time we got them to even try. If that changes, I will certainly let y’all know!
Lola’s eyes up close. Still a little blue around the edges!
Box o’ torties, and doesn’t Honey look thrilled?
Family portrait. All eyes on me!
The kittens are 10 weeks old and except for Cutey are now over 2 pounds (Cutey’s only a ounce below two pounds.) You can see their weight chart here, at the bottom of their page. Please note that Lola gained HALF A POUND in one week. They all certainly like their food!
Rolling around in the sun, holding onto her leg and tail and cleaning her tail. That’s how she does things, our Alice Mo.
2019: No entry.
2018: Tessa’s ears seem to be getting bigger with each passing day.
2017: Oh, Little Miss Innocent, no one’s fooled by those big ol’ eyes!
2016: The instant after I took this picture, she went all WHAP-WHAP-WHAP upside his head, and then retreated to the couch.
2015: “Hallo innernets. Hugs?”
2014: No entry.
2013: “Will there be stinky slippers at Petsmart? I’m going to miss the stinky slippers.”
2011: It is, let me tell you, utter madness.
2010: “C’mere, Elweird, you have shmutz on your head.”
2009: These guys were like “Hey! More room to explore!”
2008: No entry.
2007: Maxi does love her some Booger.
2006: No entry.
2005: “I haff come to suck yoor blooood.”