In case you somehow missed it on social media or in yesterday’s roundup post, Alejandro and Javier went home Friday, and Carmelita went home Saturday. Alejandro’s now Sir Fizzgig Dynofluff Sootasauras and Javier’s now Lord Taco Purito Gerrzalez (Fizzgig and Taco for short, of course.) which I think is hilariously adorable.
Carmelita was a single kitten for about 18 hours, give or take. When I left the house with Alejandro and Javier, Carmelita was walking down the hall crying and I was heartbroken for her. As it turned out? She was crying because she had a toy in her mouth and was announcing her “kill.” She’d been doing that every now and then with a particular toy – a white and purple lightweight ball – so of course I sent it home with her. She spent the night sleeping with me – alternating between lying on me and hanging out between the pillows – and had herself a 3 am tail-chasing session (which I thought was adorable, maybe because it’s rare these days that a cat wakes me up.) Saturday morning she shared a Churu with Newt, tried to make friends with a couple of the permanent residents (most of whom wanted nothing to do with her), and we headed out of here mid-morning to get her started on her trip home.
So now with the house empty of fosters, I need to get the foster room deep cleaned and reset for the next set of fosters. I am taking tomorrow off from the blog – ONE DAY! MAMA NEEDS A SECOND, Y’ALL – and will be back Wednesday. ‘Til then, here are the last of the pictures I took of Carmelita, Alejandro and Javier while they were here with us. I am going to miss Los Mewchachos not only because they’re the sweetest, but also SO DARN PHOTOGENIC. Choosing pictures for the 2021 calendar is going to be a killer.
Javier in the sun. Such a good-looking boy!
Carmelita checks out the stairs.
I guess it’s safe to say he likes the sunny places.
Carmelita investigation the lighting situation.
Checking out the window. She never did see Earl or notice the birds. (That’s the Dewey crocheted doll behind her. I was in the middle of trying to get a picture of Dewey and the doll when Carmelita came to see what was going on.)
Newt’s #1 favorite thing in the entire world is to lick the bottom of a cat food can. He’ll take the can over the actual plate of food. Carmelita ventured too close and got hissed at. It made her floofy.
When Alejandro saw her floof, he sympathy floofed, and Carmelita said “Don’t go over there. He’s MEAN.”
Naptime, the day Alejandro and Javier went home.
A few people mentioned that these guys were gone fast, really soon after their spay and neuters. That’s true, they usually seem to hang around a little longer afterward – but these guys all had homes lined up in advance, and while we loved having them here, there was no point in hanging on to them. Forgotten Felines is getting SO MANY calls for help every single day, and the sooner the foster room empties out, the sooner it can get full again.
(And that said – it is SO MUCH EASIER saying goodbye to fosters when they get to go straight from here to their new homes without having to spend time at Petsmart. It’s not easy saying goodbye, but it is much outweighed by the happiness of seeing them go to wonderful new homes.)
Alice would like us to know that the fence is secure! Thank you for your help, Alice.
2019: No entry.
2018: “Hallo, weird lady. You bein’ weird again?”
2017: I just adore this picture so very much. (Note from 2018: That’s the picture for May in the Love & Hisses calendar, and I still adore it so very much!)
2016: It’s family portrait time!
2015: “Hi, hi! Hi Innernet Peoples, hi! It is I, Skelton!”
2014: No entry.
2013: She’s like a cartoon kitten, and the lines of her floof are like drawn action lines.
2012: I Will.
2011: Dorothy would like to say “hi” to her adoring public.
2010: Miz Poo: “He’s not TOUCHING ME, is he? Do I HAVE to put up with this?”
2009: Oh, kitties. How you make us worry!
2008: No entry.
2007: It’s a Boogie on a leash.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.