Advice needed! From Alana:
In desperate need of some help with a foster. I guess the advice is for me, as he is not actually listening to what I have been telling him.
We have been fostering Max for a month. I believe he had some sort of trauma before getting to us. We were making great progress with him (he was cuddling for short bouts, showing interest in us). But I think having all of us home is stressing him out. We have resident cats that he is attacking, but shows stress when he is by himself. He still won’t let us pick him up, so he is not easy cat.
I have had difficult fosters before and don’t give up on them. HOWEVER, a feral mama on the block gave birth and I apparently am taking those kittens in in a few weeks. I have been trying to find a place for them too, but they have ring worm, which does not make them a popular bunch.
I need advice on what to do with Max (his behavior, stress and some litter box issues). I have feliway plug ins, he has his own box–and practically his own apartment too. He is not hiding, he lays around but if we walk by him sometimes he just growls out of no where.
I did not get him from a shelter, but rather from my street. When we first started to see him he was very sweet. Right before we took him in, he had a personality change that we can’t understand and can’t fix. He has been neutered. I am sure my stress is not relaxing him either.
I will take volunteers, suggestions on how to help him–anything. I feel like crying because he just is not happy and we are trying.
Alana (whose apparent solution to being shut in, is to start hoarding cats–send help!)
Alana said that he’s only been to the vet for his neuter surgery and a vet tech did his SNAP test – he’s too stressed to get in and out of the carrier. He’s about 2 years old. His behavior is inconsistent; he had a good week last week, and he’s been more jumpy lately. Pilling him isn’t an option – they can only pet him for a few seconds. I suggested Rescue Remedy and/or Zylkene, but given the inability to pill, Zylkene isn’t an option.
So who out there has suggestions? Please leave a comment, Alana needs help!
How’re we doing, everyone? Y’all handling this social distancing and isolating okay? I hope everyone’s staying healthy and safe and that we’re all appreciating the folks who are still going to work because they have no choice, not only our medical personnel (nurses! doctors! first responders! pharmacy workers!) but the grocery store employees who are doing their very best in the face of this utter insanity, those who are keeping our utilities running, truckers who are making sure food is reaching the grocery stores, factory workers, mail carriers, and everyone else who has to go out into the world to help keep it running while the rest of us are (hopefully) hunkered down at home. If that’s you or someone you love, THANK YOU.
To be honest, life hasn’t changed much for us – Fred has worked from home for several years now and so the only thing different for him, work-wise, is the canceling of the one meeting a week that took him out of the house. Unfortunately it’s been an incredibly wet last couple of months, so he’s going a bit stir-crazy because his favorite form of activity – hiking – is off-limits due to the very super muddy trails. Except for a few moments of sunshine here and there, the sky has been gray and overcast when it’s not actively raining, which of course adds to the apocalyptic feel of the world right now.
Mostly we’re hanging out, kissing kittens, and hoping for the best. I hope that y’all are doing okay too!
(Fun fact: I was actually supposed to be in New Orleans last week with my sister, a trip we’ve planned since we were last there 3 years ago. We didn’t actually cancel the trip until the day before we were supposed to leave – the 13th – but watching the news out of NOLA made us very very glad that we had, despite our disappointment. I sure could use a beignet right about now, though!)
Alejandro’s showing that Ikea rat just who the boss is.
That’s a pile of cute (and a grumpy face from Alejandro.)
“That’s right, kid. You eat on your own. Go for it!”
Pablo checks out the couch (it took me a minute to see Alejandro, right behind him.)
It’s a Javier sub. (I love that Toastycat bed, but I cannot get any of the little brats interested in hanging out in there. Javier is only in there in this picture because I put him there. He hopped out after I got this picture.)
Javier’s keeping an eye on me.
Archie through the glaaaaaass…looking up at meeee…
2019: No entry.
2018: Oksana’s all “You no touch these babies, lady. You hear me?”
2017: So ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Nola.
2016: The Fakers, 3 weeks old.
2015: “I not think I gonna fit on that Jet(Blue) plane, lady. You crazy!”
2014: No entry.
2013: Warning: there are a LOT of wee pink kitty toes in this post.
2012: Newbery gets a back rub and thinks maybe he likes it.
2011: (So RUDE, snapping a picture of a poor pregnant lady from behind!)
2010: Sometimes another kitten will join in on the howling, and OH their hearts are just breaking at the injustice of not being able to get through the door, they are PERSONALLY insulted at this turn of events.
2009: Here we go, all seven present and accounted for!
2008: No entry.
2007: Their evil chicken talons don’t poke holes in the kiddie pool?
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.