(I posted this in yesterday’s entry, later in the morning, but in case you had already read yesterday’s post, I’m posting it again. Could I say “post” one more time, you think? Post post post!)
The Mewchachos: named! Just about everyone predicted that Little Gray was a girl but nope. The only girl of the bunch is Pink (what are the chances?) We’ve missexed kittens in the past, but I have zero doubts on these boys, and I’m 99% sure on the girl. So here we go:
The kitten formerly known as Big Gray is now Alejandro.
The kitten formerly known as Yellow is now Javier.
The kitten formerly known as Black is now Diego.
The kitten formerly known as Little Gray is now Pablo.
And the kitten formerly known as Pink is now Carmelita.
A bird flew by the window, and Isabella got very excited and went running over to look for it. I bet she was a mighty huntress in her previous life.
You can really see the size difference between Pablo and Alejandro here.
Pablo can’t keep that tongue contained.
Have I mentioned that Javier’s eyes are both open now? Not an eyeball to be seen elsewhere, though.
Carmelita and Alejandro have a snuggle.
She has the SWEETEST profile, this girl.
This bed is supposedly a “rainbow” bed, but it looks like a bowl of melted sherbet to me. Whatever you call it, the cats love it, especially Alice Mo.
2019: “What is going onnnnn?”
2018: No entry.
2017: No entry.
2016: Why this picture got 11,000+ views, I do not know.
2015: No entry.
2014: Maria’s not the only one in that litter with a mile-long tail, as you can see.
2013: I accused Fred of sneaking by Petsmart and poking Lunk in the eye so he’d have to come back here.
2012: Emmy comes to Crooked Acres!
2011: “I’m the KING! OF! THE TRASH CAN!”
2010: No entry.
2009: Kitten says, “I lurve you.”
2008: Mister Boogers is no dummy.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.