Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
The kittens now have the run of the whole house during the day and it’s a tiny bit nuts. Fred got this picture of Josephine leaping over (I think) Henri, Katriane’s sniffing the bottom of the stairs, and permanent resident Jake is sneaking up the stairs to see if there’s any kitten food that needs eating. He’s such a helpful boy.
I swear one of these days I’m going to walk into the foster room and find the Kitty Cardboard box completely gone and Fleur sitting there with a piece of cardboard hanging out of her mouth.
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Yes, they’re still nursing. (There are always people who are HORRIFIED when I post videos of kittens this size – they’re nearly 12 weeks old – nursing. But if it doesn’t bother Margeaux, it’s none of our business, is all I have to say. Her time with them is coming near an end – she and Katriane are going home in less than two weeks, and so I think the kittens should soak up as much Mama time as they can while they can.)
There’s a pretty good one of those girls! Katriane on the left (note the blurry tail) and Margeaux on the right.
Good night innernets. (Josephine)
The kittens got a new tent and are fascinated by the dangling toy. (Gabrielle & Fleur)
I love not only that Margeaux and the kittens (Josephine, Henri and Luc) are napping in the living room, but that Archie is up in the bed on the wash stand sleeping too. He ain’t skeered of no kittens.
Buncha slackers. (All the kittens are present except for Beauregard, who was probably following Margeaux.)
Gabrielle is having some quiet time on the Fancy Sofa and prefers not to be disturbed, thank you.
Luc and Beauregard hanging out with Mama and Auntie Kat. (Margeaux had actually been bunny-kicking Beauregard, and of course by the time I grabbed my phone, she was all “What? I’d never do such a thing!”)
“Hurry up, I’ve gotta PEE!” (Fleur & Luc)
Looks like Gabrielle’s got her cousin Francois’s smile.
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Luc is having a good time with that tent!
Good night innernets. (Luc has a grumpy.)
Luc’s face looks exactly like he spent the night out carousing with his friends and thought he’d be able to sneak into the house with no one realizing he’d been gone all night, but he’s BUSTED. Naughty boy.
The kittens are 12 weeks old today! They don’t fit at the milk bar nearly as easily as they did 12 weeks ago, but they give it the ol’ college try. (There are 5 kittens at the milk bar, and I can’t swear to it but I think Josephine’s the one missing.) The kittens will be going for their spay/neuter surgeries two weeks from today, and then will be available for adoption. I’ll do profile posts on each of them at some point when I get my act together, but if you’re thinking you might be interested in adopting any of them (none of the kittens are adopted yet; Margeaux and Katriane will be going home together in a little more than a week), you can email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to get the ball rolling.
Katriane’s helping me change my sheets because she’s a very helpful girl.
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Saying hello to all 6 kittens. (That’s Katriane talking in the background.)
Gabrielle, Henri and Josephine really like the top level of that cat tree!
Good night innernets. (Gabrielle & Fleur)
Here’s a friendly reminder from Gabrielle that it’s Thlurrrpsday!
“Excuse you, lady, we is busy playing and have no time to pose for pictures.” (Katriane, Luc & Henri)
I mean, of course. There are 7,000 soft places to sleep in this house, and Fleur curls up on a napkin on the table. Seems comfy.
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Katriane faces down her nemesis, Earl the Skwerl.
It seems fitting that the sweatshirt they’re on is the Forgotten Felines of Huntsville hoodie I left hanging over the back of the chair, which Fleur and Josephine worked together to pull down onto the floor.
JoJo sits with her paws neatly folded because she is a proper little LAYDEE.
Oh, how Katriane adores Margeaux. These two girls are so SWEET together. (That’s Luc back there giving me the suspicious eyes.)
There was an ant scurrying around, and Margeaux came to check out the situation while Katriane and Henri watched.
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Mighty hunters Henri and Katriane hunt down an ant. Do they kill it? Watch it and see! (And don’t miss the part about 6 seconds in when the ant touches Henri’s paw.)
Luc snuggling with his Mama. (He looks like he’s nearly her size, but she outweighs him by 5 pounds – he’s 3 pounds, she’s 8 – so he’s got a way to go.)
Good night innernets. (Margeaux & Josephine)
“This doesn’t involve you, lady. Move along.” (Katriane & Gabrielle)
Beauregard’s taking a nap with his bunny. Awww.
That’s a pile o’ cute. (Luc, Fleur, Henri and Gabrielle)
This seems comfy. Good night, innernets. (Luc)
2018: No entry.
2017: And Stefan said “Do I smell food?”
2016: Sodapop gives Unca Stefan a sniff.
2015: “How I get on the innernets on this thing?” Skinny Pete wonders.
2014: Warning: Ralph cannot hold his licker.
2013: Tidy Cats Lightweight Litter Review.
2012: No entry.
2011: Now he’s the whiniest little complainer I’ve ever seen.
2010: Melodie, doing some heavy-duty flirting, is apparently annoying Martin.
2009: Maybe we’ve got some little Houdinis on our hands.
2008: Zoe got adopted over the weekend!
2007: No entry.
2006: I wouldn’t say he LIKES her, but he’s not scared of her (much) anymore.
2005: “His real name is Sad Eyes?”