Today we focus on Kara (Sheriff Mama)!
A brief moment of stillness. Isn’t she a pretty girl?
Hanging out in the bay window (which leads to the screened porch.)
This is one of her favorite spots when the weather is nice. It’s situated perfectly so that she can see into the front yard and also along the walkway to the screened porch.
From back in April or May, before that tree was cut down (and before we yanked the ivy up).
That window leads into the kitchen, and if Fred sees a cat standing there he’ll open the window and let them in that way (instead of making them come in through the screened porch.) Naturally ALL the cats now think that’s the best way to come inside, and very often I’ll be passing through the kitchen, hear a plaintive meow, and look over to see a cat (usually Kara, Archie or Frankie) meowing to come inside. I don’t let them in that way, because I’m mean.
“Cleaning rag on the kitchen island? Don’t mind if I do!”
Here’s something that’ll blow you away (but maybe only if you’ve been reading for a VERY long time) – Kara will be 12 years old in just a few months. She came to us as a hugely pregnant stray, guesstimated as being 1 year old – and was the very first pregnant cat to give birth in our home. The fact that she gave birth to the first three kittens while we were watching Survivor: Micronesia has always stuck in my head.
(Kara birthed 4 kittens total, and has had zero-zilch-nada-nope interest in kittens ever since.)
2018: “WUT.”
2017: I feel like I’ve interrupted something.
2016: No entry.
2015: Stevie illustrates how best to take pictures of your belly with the Cat Selfie app.
2014: When it comes to the cats, Fred is 100% Aurora Greenway.
2012: Also, so you don’t have to go without your kitteh fix, here I am getting my very first kitten for my (I think) sixth birthday, so it was mumblety-mumble years ago.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: She’s all ::sniffsniffsniff:: “HI TOMMY!” and he’s all “Yeah, whatever, runt.”
2008: No entry.
2007: Naturally, Mister Boogers heard us talking to them, and came up to be a jerk.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.