Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
Good night, innernets. (Cruise)
Axle (left) and Gauge show off the difference in their eye color.
“Is it nap time yet?” (Axle, Dynamo, Cruise & Pulley)
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LoJack gets flirty.
Hooray hooray, Cruise was adopted and went to a wonderful home tonight! Happy life, sweet girl.
Hooray, hooray, Gauge was adopted and went to a wonderful home tonight! Happy life, sweet boy.
“Excuse you! We is having a private kitty meeting! No weird ladies allowed!” (Solenoid & Cam)
Kitten mouth closeup. (Pulley)
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Kittens go BOING!
Tandem paw cleaning. (LoJack & Solenoid)
Home is where the Cam is. Cam is available for adoption, and if you’re interested in this adorably snuggly tuxie girl who’s got springs for knees, you can email Forgotten Felines at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss. We’re located in Huntsville, Alabama.
Sweet friendly buff tabby boy Fender is available for adoption NOW, and if you need a sweet lapkitten in your home, email Forgotten Felines at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss. We’re located in Huntsville, Alabama.
Pulley will make sure we’re all gonna be okay; she won’t have it any other way. Tiny brown tabby and white snugglebug girl Pulley is available for adoption right now. If you need a sweetheart who’ll put up with being flipped onto her back like a baby, and who LOVES other cats and kittens, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss. We are located in Huntsville, Alabama.
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9-kitten nap.
Clutch & LoJack, giving me attitude.
Good night, innernets. (Pulley)
Tank heard a weird noise in the hallway, and he turned into a meerkat.
Dynamo and Tank snuggling… and Tank looks pretty pleased with the situation!
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Baby, baby, who’s da baby?
All you need is love…and an Axle! Axle is available for adoption right now, and if you’d like a snuggly lovebug who’ll answer your “Are you da BAYbee?!” query when he feels like it (but will look at you like you’re crazy when he doesn’t feel like playing that game), who purrs like crazy, and who adores being kissed on the head, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss.
You know it, she knows it, we all know it – time spent with Solenoid is never wasted. If you need a talkative little lovebug who will happily tell you that she’s da BAYbeeee any time you ask, who wants to be in your lap or snuggled up next to you when she’s not busy racing around at top speed, and who has won awards for her fantastic nap time companion skills, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss. We’re located in Huntsville, Alabama.
Must love Dynamo – because how on earth could you not?! This tiny dilute tortie is a lapkitten who loves to be held and carried around. She purrs nonstop, she adores the other billion kittens in her litter, and if you want to flip her over onto her back for a snuggle, she’s cool with that. Also, look how prettily she poses! I took about 100 pictures of her posing with that sign, and every one of them was better than the one before. A photogenic kitten who’ll sit still while you take her picture? Those are RARE (believe me, I know.) If you need this little poser in your family, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss. We are located in Huntsville, Alabama.
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Graceful kittens (or not.)
I’d like to tell you that I didn’t tilt Solenoid’s head over a little so that Pulley’s foot looks like a horn sticking out of her head, but I’d be lying (besides which, you can totally SEE my hand there.) Instead, let’s all pretend it happened organically, and also please admire Solenoid’s striped whiskers?
Good night, innernets. (LoJack)
“She tracked us down. Oh, joy.” (Cam and Dynamo)
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“You clean me, I’ll clean you.” (Clutch & Pulley)
One little meow from Clutch (who doesn’t often meow; only when he’s got something important to say), and you’ll be captivated. He is such a sweet, laid-back boy who loves to hang out with you, enjoys a good snuggle, and has been both pre-BOOPed and has learned to tolerate kisses (he might deny it, but I think he actually ENJOYS being kissed. He’s probably learned to, because he gets kissed a LOT.) If you need this sweet boy in your family, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss. We are located in Huntsville, Alabama.
To see Tank is to want to squish him, I guarantee it. He’s a confident little man who marches into new situations with his tail straight up. He LOVES to be held, carried and kissed, and if you’ve been stingy with the kisses, he’ll helpfully get his sweet little face as close to yours as possible so you can kiss away. He LOVES other kittens, he LOVES humans, he LOVES everyone! If you need to add this little cutie pie to your family, email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss. We are located in Huntsville, Alabama.
If you can look at that little face and not want to cover it in kisses, I’m not sure I even want to know you. This boy kills me DEAD. (LoJack)
Good night, innernets. (Axle & Clutch)
They smell like cotton candy. (Clutch & Pulley)
Axle would like to know where the sun went.
Fun fact: 4 or more felines sleeping atop a human is known as a “swelter.”
Good night, innernets. (Axle & Cam)
2017: No entry.
2016: Wahhh! He is SUCH da BAYbee.
2015: Down for the count!
2014: I have to say that she’s not very good at being feral.
2013: “AH LOVES FEATHERRRRRRS!!!! ::jazzpaws::”
2012: No entry.
2011: Stress runs in the family.
2010: Here’s some cute to tide you over ’til then.
2009: Christmas shopping – I HAVE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU!
2008: I guess she’s mellowing in her old age.
2007: Stinkerbelle seethes.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.