I was going to share the rest of the pictures I have of the Olympian kittens in today’s post, but there were enough of them that I thought I’d share half of them today and the rest tomorrow.
(Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday we were waiting for Kristi to have her kittens, and now they’re all grown and gone? Time flies!)
Ohno, judging my bathtub-cleaning skills.
Please note that he has his paw positioned juuuust so, so you can admire those toes.
Post dinner-time, and apparently the plate of canned food wasn’t enough for Scott, who’s going for the milk bar.
Oh, that sweet, worried face. (Scott)
So late last week, Scott and Debi went to Petsmart to join Torvill and Oksana. They’re all together, sharing a big cage, and while there have been no adoptions yet, I’m sure it won’t be long. I will, of course, let y’all know when there are adoptions or any news to share.
I mentioned this last week, but I’m repeating: you can see Brian Boitano (now Prince Harry) and Picabo (now Harley Quinn) over on Facebook!
That’s Buxton, biting the sleeve of my shirt. I’d be more irate, but Life is Good t-shirts hold up surprisingly well to sharp little kitten teeth.
Eliot and Arundel, snuggling in the bed. Take a closer look at Eliot’s face, it’s cracking me UP.
Calais (left) and her little minion Millie. Torties gotta stick together!
On Friday, I had to put all the kittens in my bathroom because the guy was coming to put doors on the cabinets in the kitten room (I got before pictures, I just need to get after pictures, and I’ll share them. They look GREAT.) I worried that the kittens would be scared or nervous, having to spend most of the day in my bathroom, but they didn’t care at ALL. I walked in to check on them, and they were all curled up on the bed.
Otis atop the stuffed cat is cracking me UP.
“We was sleepin’, lady. What you want?”
These kittens really like to curl up together, and Arundel LOVES to be in the middle of them. She’s such a sweet girl.
When they get too warm, some of them climb out of the bed, but they don’t go far.
Calais and Bethel have claimed this little cat tree as their own in the last couple of days.
The weekend was a rough one for the kittens. Arundel didn’t want to eat and was alternately having diarrhea and vomiting on Saturday (she woke looking and feeling much better Sunday). There’s an upper respiratory thing that started with Calais and Bethel. They’re now sounding a thousand times better, but Kennebunk, Otis and Buxton have started sneezing, Buxton has a goopy eye, Otis’s eyes are getting red, and so all the kittens are on meds. They look rough right now, but they’re all playing and eating, so I’m not too worried.
2017: Kitten Book Club.
2016: No entry.
2015: Thlurrrpsday.
2014: “George not like blackberries, either.”
2013: Can you believe these kittens are two months old?
2012: Stompers and the Floof.
2011: No entry.
2010: Kittens… and a bucket of squash!
2009: No entry.
2008: I’m off to take Kara and her babies to the vet to be spayed and neutered.
2007: Happiest! Cat! Ever!
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.