Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
“Moooom, STOP, I don’t need a bath!
Good night, innernets. (Scott, Brian Boitano & Tessa)
Just a girl, hanging out in a tree, with a nephewbrothercousinfriend looking on.
Is it Wild Whisker Wednesday? I think it is!
Another Wild Whisker Wednesday shot. I’m surprised Katarina can see anything with those whiskers in the way!
Ex-CUSE me, ladies, it’s Wild Whisker Wednesday NOT Tudesday (or even Milk Bar Monday)!
Todayyy is Thlurrrpsday, and you know what that means! (That means we’re gettin’ thlurrrpy!)(Katarina, Ohno, Scott, Debi & Katia)
Headed home right now – Katarina & Deanzilla, adopted together! (No, they haven’t been spayed & neutered yet, but they will be in a couple of weeks.) I love that these two have gone home together, and they’ll have two little girls to play with, which is PERFECT. Happy lives, sweet babies!
Bedtime snack. Good night, innernets. (Kristi, Scott, Picabo & Tessa)
Picabo, with a whole lotta attitude.
Lounging about on a giant donut, as you do. (Debi)
This seems comfy. (Scott & Kristi)
Good night, innernets. (Scott)
Video! The week in kittens.
2017: No entry.
2016: I think the pie plate is a little overfilled – not that Regina seems to mind.
2015: Crooked Acres Wednesday.
2014: Thomas Tuesday.
2013: Meet the Dragons.
2012: No entry.
2011: Do you just get lucky with the pictures or do you take thousands daily?
2010: Prince Corbett.
2009: Such a big baby – he was whining at me because I wasn’t petting him enough.
2008: “We iz sleeping pls leave alone thx.”
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.