Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
Deanzilla’s takin’ the bus on down to kittentown.
I’m feeling very judged right now, to be honest.
We’ve got some Crazy Eyes, especially Tessa.
Good night, innernets. (Ohno and Tessa)
The kitts on the bus go *purr* and *purr*, *purr* and *purr*, *purr* and *purr*, the kitts on the bus go *purr* and *purr*, all through the room! (Scott and Katarina)
Delicate little meezer toeses.
Good night, innernets. (Ohno and Torvill)
Truth Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind.
Happy Thlurrrspday, y’all. (Oksana)
Did we mention it’s Thlurrrpsday? It certainly is, and Katarina is celebrating in style (ignore that food on her nose, if you don’t mind.)
One last thlurrrp from Deanzilla to cap off Thlurrrpsday, and then we’re off to bed. Good night, innernets!
“Good thing this bowl of water is labeled; otherwise I’d have no idea what it is.”
Another #virtuemoir publicity still.
Video: The Week in Love & Hisses kittens.
2017: No entry.
2016: Basket full o’ attitude.
2015: Roseanne has a cranky.
2014: (“Don’t hurt me, ceiling fan. I meant no disrespect.”)
2013: Aslan’s earned himself the nickname “Swiper” because he likes to hang out on or under the ess, swiping at his siblings as they run by.
2012: No entry.
2011: No entry.
2010: Recycling inspectors, asleep on the job!
2009: Poor Troubles.
2008: It’s so cute, I pass out from the sugar shock.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.