Ohno escaped the crate and was VERY excited to find Katia hanging out in the middle of the room.
Picabo’s all “We not supposed to be out of the crate! We is still babies! The weird lady said so!”
Debi considering how to make her escape. (She’s gotten out of the crate a few times, but it’s always a bit of a struggle to haul herself over the threshold.)
I love how you can see Tessa’s stripes in this picture. Tessa, by the way, is the kitten who seems uninterested in leaving the crate. She’d much rather be belly-up to the milk bar.
Oksana disapproves of those kittens leaving the crate.
“Hey unclebrothernephewfriend Dean, whatcha doin’?!”
What would Brian Boitano do if he were here right now? He’d “HEY GUYS LOOK I HAVE AN EXTRA THUMB, CHECK IT OUT!” that’s what Brian Boitano’d do.
Sleepin’ Katarina. It’s nice to see the older kittens sleeping outside the crate lately.
Oksana and Torvill in the top of the blue cat tree.
Getting a bit of the ol’ attitude from Torvill, as you can see.
Video! Here’s a time lapse of the kittens and mamas from midnight to about 8 am. No wonder they’re always dozing off – they’re exhausted because they NEVER stop moving!
“How did I get out here and how’d you get IN there, lady?” (Dewey)
2017: Meet the Cajuns!
2016: Oops, I booped him again.
2015: Seriously. I can’t even, with these kittens. How dare they?
2014: Of course, this brings me to my favorite two duck pictures.
2013: In cuter and fuzzier news…
2012: And Razzie’s all “Hey, I’m tiny TOO! Tell her!”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Wild thang!
2008: No entry.
2007: It was, and it squawked and flapped when the light from the flashlight hit it, and again I screamed and levitated across the room, followed by an amazing number of cats.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.