So, what are the chances Uncle Stefan will call on the ladies and their little extended family? Somehow I don’t see Katia being all that welcoming to a gentleman caller.
I have no plans to let any permanent residents into the foster room – I think one hiss from one of the kittens, and Stefan’s butt would be toast. However, I’m planning to start bringing the older kittens (and eventually the little ones) into my bedroom for field trips, and if Stefan is around, I’ll let him in to see how it goes. (I think we all know that there will be MANY Floof Suits on display!)
I have a really random thank you for you. A while ago I was reading about Kokomo – such a pretty girl, her pretend kittens would have been beautiful! A few weeks ago I was looking for restaurant suggestions in Canberra (capital of Australia), went to TripAdvisor, and the first hit was a restaurant called Kokomo’s! I was sure one of Robyn’s cats wouldn’t send me wrong, so I booked it. Kokomo’s turned out to be a BRILLIANT Hawai’ian-Japanese seafood restaurant, so thanks for the recommendation, Kokomo you BEAUTIFUL FAKER!
I love this story SO MUCH – and glad it turned out so well! (And now I’m craving Hawai’ian-Japanese seafood even though I’ve not had it before. It sounds GOOD.)
Missing some permanent residence shenanigans too. Anyone try to climb the cat fence? Sneak put or find more presents to bring home? Any detente among the boys?
The permanent residents are going along as usual. We’ve had no escapes from the back yard in weeks – we looked out one morning to find Kara skittering around the outside of the fence (and then headed for the next door neighbor’s deck), got her back into the yard, and no one has escaped again. I haven’t seen any of them trying to climb the fence, maybe because they can see the fence above their heads, and know that they won’t get anywhere by trying to climb it. (Or, more likely, they’ve tried climbing the fence when we weren’t watching.)
The cats have access to the screened porch 24/7, and the back yard from about 5 am to 6 or 7 pm. They’d LIKE to have access to the back yard all night long, but life is hard, kitties. They go in and out of the house to the screened porch all night long – especially Dewey – and I’m thinking that the screened porch was one of the best decisions we’ve made.
There’s no detente among the boys. Archie hates Stefan, Stefan doesn’t care, Maxi hates them all, and everyone is annoyed by Jake and loves Khal. Same old same old.
Does the real (non-Ornj) Brian Boitano know he now comes in kitten form?
Am I the only one that seriously thinks we need to get at least one Olympian to respond to a tweet or tag or something???
As far as I know, no Olympian is aware of his or her kitten. YET.
So I guess the father of the 2 meeezers was one too. shame such a beautiful cat is still romancing the girls.
As I understand it, colorpoint kittens come from two parents who carry the colorpointed gene, but aren’t necessarily colorpoints themselves. So the father of the meezers isn’t necessarily a colorpoint/meezer himself, he just had to carry the gene.
(Someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong!)
Frankie looks really good. Hope he is done with his health issues. Does the gang enjoy the yard? Looks like lots of nooks and crannies for them to explore and for critters to hide.
Stefan is playing peekaboo with us. How are the perms liking the new backyard, and how is the cat fence working for you?
Frankie is doing well – he’s on two doses of Atopica weekly, which appears to be keeping his stomatitis under control.
The permanent residents LOVE that back yard – there must be a ground squirrel living in the rock wall with his/her family, because the cats spend a lot of time sitting in front of the wall staring at it. There are still plants popping up in the back yard, and I need to get out there with the camera on the next sunny day to take pictures, so y’all can tell me what I’ve got growing out there.
The cats love the back yard, as we expected they would, and the cat fence is working perfectly!
You can really tell which Mom would be the “Supermom” and which one would be “The Mighty Huntress” if they were back in the colony.
Over the years we’ve had a number of bonded pair Mom cats and they almost ALWAYS split this way, with one taking on the majority of kitten care and the other “has a career” which in a colony would be hunting but in the tame is often snoozing under the bed lol
I love this! It’s true that Kristi is doing the majority of the kitten care (though Katia does emerge from her crate at night and plays with the kittens). The whole co-mothering thing is just the coolest!
The question is not related to the litter. I follow Three Cat Yard, and Oldcat has not posted in 2 months. Does anybody out there know anything??
You likely already know this, but OldCat is posting again.
Oh, that Torvill, I just love him so.
Casual paw pose so you can admire his extra thumbs.
Scott would like you to know that he might not have extra toes, but he’s extra adorable anyway. (But then, you knew that.)
(In the background, Brian Boitano’s all “Did someone mention extra toes?!”)
You can really see Debi’s white goatee in this picture. OH, that girl.
Katia keeps an eye on me. She knows I want to snatch up Picabo and kiss her.
Picabo was sitting on my leg and started to roll off, but I caught her before she hit the floor. (And then I kissed her.)
Debi’s serious little face kills me.
Did I mention that Katia adores her mother?
The Tiny Basket gives Dean the crazy eyes.
Oksana managed to stuff all her floof into the Tiny Basket.
I took this picture during a live stream the other night. The mamas took over the ess while Scott waited for someone to come through the door.
Katarina always looks so mischievous.
Video! Picabo’s got places to go and things to do. Better get out of her way!
2017: Love & Hisses: come for the pictures, stay for the cluelessness.
2016: “We hears the sound of nursing, lady!”
2015: Rickles invites Gilda to smell his foot.
2014: No entry.
2013: “OMC!” says Jareth. “My hair DOES smell terrific!”
2011: “My paw smells funny.”
2010: “They’re gonna take a sample of what from my where, now?”
2009: “Hey, Mister, you sure smell purty!”
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.