Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Thursday!
Today we are thankful for YOU. Have a wonderful day!
Frankie, practicing for his after-dinner nap.
Alice, practicing her “Why are you doing this to me?” expression of woe.
And from Thanksgiving 2015, my favorite TurkeyCat picture, Archie.
2016: “I am not hiding over here because a noise startled me. I’m doing a pillow inspection.”
2015: She lays in her bed and dreams of being an only cat.
2014: Every morning while he waits for his snack, Jake walks around and tries to mind meld with the other cats.
2013: “A-ONE and a-TWO and a-THREE…. I’m DANCING!”
2012: If you weren’t always sticking it where it doesn’t belong…
2011: “Sitting in boxes is the ONE THING I do for ME. All day long I do and do and DO for everyone else. I need some CORBIE time!”
2010: Meet the Brady Bunch!
2009: Then we’d have to call them The Puddin’ Heads.
2008: The many moods of Delmar.
2007: “Stupid trees with their stupid leaves.”
2006: No entry.
2005: “You flailed around and yelled ‘OW!’, and then a cat came flying off the bed.”