Phoenix, atop the little kitten tree.
Little posers – Hubble, Phoenix and Aurora.
This would be the sign of kittens who haven’t seen the vacuum very much, and don’t know they’re supposed to be scared of it.
Phoenix, trying to decide whether she prefers a snuggle pile or to be on her own for nap time.
Five little muffins, all in a row.
Hubble, chattering at the feather teaser. His face is cracking me UP.
“How YOU doin’?” Dewey and the Eyes of Lurve.
2016: It’s the elusive ‘Fonicorn.
2015: He’s our version of Barney Fife.
2014: TBT: Randomness.
2013: When Stefan Went A-Visitin’.
2012: Tortie ‘Tudesday
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Awww, look at who’s a little poser!
2008: Exploring.
2007: That’s an appetizing start to the morning.
2006: You wouldn’t like her when she’s wide awake.
2005: No entry.