Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
Telstar & Aurora are not motivated to crawl out of bed this morning.
Phoenix is lying in the Tiny Basket clutching a toy, hoping her brains don’t melt and leak out her ears.
Stardust wishes you a good night, innernets.
Mercury is a sweet, friendly, lovable girl who likes to snuggle, loves to be petted, and adores a good chin scratching.
Telstar is the quiet daydreamer of the litter – he’ll sit back, observe, and then make his move.
Hubble throws himself into everything he does, but the concept of strangers absolutely blows his mind.
Aurora is a sweet little snuggler who was the largest of her litter for most of their kittenhood until one of her brothers took that title. Now she’s a long lean snugglin’ machine.
Stardust is the kitten who always knows what’s going on.
Phoenix is a wild child who has loads of energy to spare.
Telstar wishes you a good night, innernets.
RAWR! Mercury wishes you a Happy Halloween.
“Pardon me, ma’am, you seen my lasso?” (Hubble)
Chef Stardust, dreaming of her next culinary masterpiece.
Queen Mercury has decreed that it’s time for bed. Good night, peasants.
Throw Back Thursday from 2009, Keebler from the Cookies kittens. I can’t believe it’s been 8 years!
Another Throw Back Thursday picture from 2009, Keebler from the Cookie litter. He looks like a little old man who just heard they’re serving chocolate pudding in the dining room today, so you better GET outta his way!
I guess Dr Hubble decided it was time for Telstar’s dental exam. #OpenMouthofOutrage
Phoenix wishes you a good night, innernets.
Stardust is just hangin’ around.
Phoenix wishes you a good night, innernets.
Aurora hanging out atop the little cat tree while Hubble messes with her tail. That face is the epitome of “SIGH.”
Time for a pre-nap bath. (Mercury and Stardust)
Video! I was a slacker and didn’t share much in the way of video this week, so it’s not long, and it’s kittens at nap time (though you’ll note that in the last section, Phoenix and Stardust aren’t doing much napping.)
2016: No entry.
2015: He’s also pretty talented at looking gorgeous, don’t ya think?
2014: Class picture day!
2013: And Carmela casually looking in the other direction as she slowwwwly reaches out to smack Tony.
2012: Total stress case.
2011: No entry.
2010: There’s nothing the Bookworms enjoy so much as sniffing butt.
2009: Isn’t he a smug little brat?
2008: No entry.
2007: “Hey, come back here! I want to fight!”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.