Mercury’s Missions are 9 weeks old today! Unfortunately, due to the gloomy weather yesterday, my pictures of them didn’t come out very well, so there’ll be no progression pictures today. They honestly haven’t changed much since last week. Also, I’ll be on vacation next week* so either I’ll do progression pictures for their 11th week, or wait ’til 12. Like I said, they’re not changing a lot at this age – not as much as they did in their first 6 weeks – so I don’t think we’re missing much.
*Hush up, I get to have the occasional vacation! Fred will be caring for Mercury and the Missions while I’m gone next week. Someone always asks who’ll take care of the fosters while I’m gone, like I’m going to toss ’em in the back yard and hope they’re still around when I get back. (Hmmm…)
I had this piller (or pill gun, if you prefer) in my pocket, and left it by the door so I’d remember to bring it with me when I left the room. Hubble RACED over to check it out.
Hubble measures it to see if it’ll fit through the door.
“You’re CRAZY!” says Telstar. “That’s WAY too big. It’ll never fit!”
Hubble figured Telstar was right, and decided he’d just bat it around the room.
Stardust crosses her paws properly, like a little LAYDEE.
Aurora’s eyes look so blue here!
Telstar also has his paws crossed because he has MANNERS, just like his sister.
“HMPH. Who wants to be a LAYDEE? Not me!”
Now, there was something I was going to tell y’all, and I can’t quite remember what it was… It’s on the tip of my tongue. What was it, oh what WAS it?!
Oh, right.
Someone’s been adopted and will go home after the fixin’ is done in a few weeks.
That someone…
No details ’til she’s gone home, though. You know I don’t wanna jinx it!
Also, if you have an eye on one (or more!) of the Missions, or on mama Mercury herself, now’s the time to step up. I’d love it if they all went home straight from here! If you’re interested, you can drop an email to Forgotten Felines at info (at) If you have any questions about any of them (personality, etc), feel free to drop me an email at mizrobyn (at)
For some reason, the catnip I planted in a big pot this summer is always flat.
“Me either, lady. Is a mystery!”
No wonder Joe Bob always looks like he’s hiiigh.
2016: No entry.
2015: No entry.
2014: He’s starting with the man in the mirror.
2013: Tony is so small that he was able to pretty much walk right under Melfi. Melfi did NOT appreciate this nonsense.
2012: For something that would sting me in the eye if given half a chance, it’s got an awful lot of nerve pulling a cute maneuver like that.
2011: BUGS Tuesday.
2010: (And yes, we DO call them “Busta Rhyme”!)
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: The little black Momma kitty we first saw a month or so ago was back, this time with a friend.
2005: When does this get easier, again?