Hubble (left) and Telstar, snuggling. Or maybe they were wrasslin’, I don’t remember.
Stardust keeping an eye on me from the milk bar.
Laying on their backs waving their paws in the air is about 99% of what these kittens do while they’re awake.
Stardust is such a little poser.
I took this picture several weeks ago, when Roux and Praline were still with us. This was at bedtime, when Fred calls the cats in from the back yard and sweetens the deal with crunchies. Roux and Praline jumped right on the idea of getting treats, as you can see. (I always get a little excited when half or more of the permanent residents are in the same space, and try to get a picture. They never come out that great, but I love having them anyway.)
2016: Juniper, chilling with her teddies.
2015: I don’t have any idea what caused this – she just felt floofy, I guess.
2014: “What? I fit! I don’t CARE that the lady says I look like a loaf of bread that has risen over the sides of the loaf pan.”
2013: Poor Arya was sound asleep, and then suddenly Jon Snow was all “I NEEDS ME A SNUGGLE!” and flopped down right on top of her.
2012: No entry.
2010: How I have not squeezed the stuffing out of that boy, I do not know.
2009: “Heyyyy, good-lookin’!”
2008: I don’t remember what she was appalled by, but apparently it was quite SOMETHING.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.