Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
Since the kittens have all gone to Petsmart (University Drive, Huntsville, AL, if you’re interested!), Newt finds that he’ll be today’s nap time companion. Doesn’t he look pleased about it?
“Is this the bus to Kittentown?” Mercury, who is super duper pregnant, is now chilling in the foster room! Teresa and I figured that it made sense to get her here and settled in before she had the kittens rather than waiting. She’s been here about half an hour and checked out every bed in the room before flopping down in the middle of the floor. I have zero clue when she’ll have her kittens, but as far as I’m concerned NOW works!
No babies yet for Mercury. She’s just chillin’ and making sure those babies are well-baked! ❤️
Wherein I went to sleep at midnight and missed the whole thing! There are five, they are wiggly and adorable and look to all be some flavor of brown tabby and white. I’m going to leave them alone for now and won’t harass her, but there will be close exams and pictures galore later this morning for sure!
A quick bedding change-out and a once-over of Mercury and all the kittens, and I can report that we have three brown tabbies and three brown tabby and white. Mama and babies are doing great!
Love those babies. Mercury looks grumpy, but was actually giving me the Eyes of Lurve.
I am so very sorry to tell you all that Mercury’s little brown tabby and white boy, the smallest of her litter, passed away early this afternoon. Mercury was wonderful with him right up to the end, and though we tried everything we could, he faded away quickly. Mercury and her remaining five kittens are doing fine. We named this little guy Kepler, after NASA’s Kepler Mission. He is buried under the large pecan tree near the garden.
You might be surprised to hear that it’s eatin’ time. 🍼
I cannot handle the cute. (Hubble)
Stealing Phoenix for a snuggle while Mercury is off eating.
Chip and Gaston, adopted today! Their people are going on vacation, so Chip and Gaston will come back here until then. Yay!!!
Pile o’ babies. It’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins! (3 days old)
Video! The week in kittens – from a pregnant Mercury sashaying across the floor to 3 day old kittens.
2016: Sad little mess.
2015: “I am but a wee baby, and she is SQUOOSHING ME!”
2014: He looks like a bearded old man, doesn’t he?
2013: Norbie gives me the Eyes of Skepticism.
2012: Before you start reading this, please know: it does not have a sad ending.
2011: No entry.
2010: Julie is NOT sitting on the table.
2009: I have fallen head over heels for these monkeys. I always do.
2008: It’s good to be king.
2007: Maryanne continues to make herself at home.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.