Looking for trouble (ahem – it’s right in front of you, Praline!)
Praline keeps an eye on things.
The girls spent last night sleeping on the tree in my bedroom – and then I woke up in the middle of the night to see the two of them sitting side by side right next to me, staring at me. I wonder if I was talking in my sleep and they thought I was talking to them.
They’ve been downstairs more often in the past couple of days and have explored most parts of the house – though they’re not that interested in the computer room, at least not yet. They’ll still hiss or smack at the big cats who get too nosy (especially Stefan), but they’re pretty relaxed. Something loud was going on on the TV at one point (we’re working our way through the entire Game of Thrones series in preparation for the new season later this month) and Praline jumped up to check it out – then sat in front of the TV for the better part of one episode.
Gaston certainly enjoys that dog fur toy.
Ressler is a big fan of the silvervine kicker.
Chip does some bunny kicking with those great big feet of his.
I think we’ve got a lights-on-no-one-home situation here.
Mrs. Potts likes to show Chip who the boss is.
Belle moves around a lot during nursing (and she wasn’t trying to get away from the kittens – I took them away so she could get up, and she called them back!) Here, she started on one side…
And then turned so she’s mostly on her other side. And the kittens never stopped nursing for one minute!
Belle and the kittens are doing fine. Belle’s happy because she has a space she can go to get away from the kittens, and also because she gets an entire plate of canned food to herself morning and night. The kittens are happy because they’re kittens. It’s wild in there with all those nutty little kittens. And also with all those kittens (and Belle), it gets a little, shall we say, stuffy in there. I make a point to go in often to scoop the litter box, since that’s what helps the most. Needing to go in more often is, as you can imagine, a true hardship. But I’ll muddle through somehow!
Getting the Eyes of Lurve from Joe Bob. He is just such a SWEET boy.
2016: “That was awesome when you jumped like that, Uncle Stefan.”
2015: No entry.
2014: No entry.
2013: Norbert, the little schemer.
2012: Sights from around Crooked Acres!
2011: It’s time for those rambunctious, leggy monsters to go off and find their forever homes.
2010: It’s a rough job, but someone’s gotta do it.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: She presents the belly, but won’t let you touch.
2006: No entry.
2005: Mia. (Warning: this is a sad one.)