About this time two years ago, I had a litter of bottle babies I called the Squash Bugs – you got an update on Pattypan who is now Peanut last Wednesday.
Well, Pattypan/Peanut had a sister named Ambercup who looked like this.
And she apparently had a lot to say, because when I was looking for that sweet bottle baby picture up there, I ran across approximately 95 pictures like this one.
(Lord do I love a chatty kitten.)
And here is that sweet gorgeous girl today:
Debra said: Since you had another squash bug on your page… Amber says she wanted some attention! Here is Ambercup closing in on her 2nd birthday! Love that active gal!!
Thank you so much for the update, Debra – and I canNOT believe the Squash Bugs are nearly two years old!
You might have missed this very exciting bit of information on Facebook Saturday.
These two girls right here?
They’ve been adopted… TOGETHER! They’ll be with us ’til mid-July because their new family is traveling, so they’ll merge with the permanent residents ’til it’s time for them to go home.
I am SO PLEASED that those sweet girls are going together! How wonderful is that?
Of course, with her kittens all adopted now, that means it’s time for this sweet girl…
I had hoped she could be adopted directly from here – that would have been a first, really, to have all the kittens AND their mama adopted straight from here – but it hasn’t happened. So tomorrow morning she’ll be going to Petsmart (if you’re local and interested in seeing her, it’s the Petsmart in Jones Valley, not the one on University Drive). I hope so much that someone sees her sweet, floofy, gorgeous self and falls in love, fast.
This is the part of fostering I hate, having to leave a cat at Petsmart and hope that the right family comes along. We just all have to have faith that it’ll happen. And it will – because I mean, come on. Isn’t she beautiful? Can’t you just see how sweet she is? She’ll be fine.
(I might not be, but she will!)
Video! Roux and Praline nursing the other night. I glanced at the clock when the kittens started nursing and again when Nola stood up and walked off, and she let them nurse for about 90 seconds. It’s just so darn sweet that I had to pick up the girls and squeeze ’em after Nola walked off.
I went to visit Belle and her kittens – my fosters-in-waiting – last week, and got a ton of pictures to share. With Nola headed off to Petsmart and Roux and Praline merging with the permanent residents until it’s time for them to go home, the foster room will be empty, which means it’s time for the fosters-in-waiting to become simply fosters. That’ll happen later this week.
‘Til then, I’ve got some great pictures to share for the next few days.
Mrs. Potts shows Chip what the deal is. Look closely and you’ll see his Open Mouth of Outrage.
Is she comforting him or grabbing him for another fight? Hard to tell!
Chip and Gaston. Chip’s face-plant is a thing of beauty, ain’t it? (He was fine, since kittens are made of rubber and cotton with heads stuffed full of marshmallow fluff.)
RAWR. Lumiere seems impressed, no?
Chip is a fan of my shoelaces.
Chip’s looking at me like I insulted his mother, isn’t he? I would never!
Speaking of gorgeous eyes.
I cannot EVEN with this beautiful boy.
Can you believe it’s been just over three years since I announced that Dennis was staying? I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I did NOT want to keep him, I tried very hard to find him a home, but in the end he stayed – and I absolutely adore him. He’s gorgeous, he’s sweet, he’s a good snuggler (when he wants to be) and he gets along with everyone. He’s PERFECT.
2016: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
2015: The Fools meet the Loon.
2014: Throw Back Thursday: Dennis!
2013: Pardon me, Puff, your giant head is taking up the whole frame.
2012: “I can haz kissin’?”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: All three kittens are inordinately interested in sticking their heads in our mouths
2008: Poor Miz Poo
2007: It’s his default expression.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.