These little muffins – Andouille and Beignet – are going home tonight!
Beignet (who will be Bella) had donned her very special floofypants for the occasion.
And Andouille (who will be Andre) has sharpened his very sharp teeth!
He’s pretty much outgrown the Tiny Basket.
The Most Interesting Floof in the World.
Nola’s face is cracking me UP. “Yes, floofy one, I will miss you terribly. Especially the way you tromp all over me.”
The tabby girls will miss their brother and sister, but they’ll probably enjoy getting more air time on Love & Hisses. (I mean, if they cared.)
Pretty boy, we will miss your silly antics.
Luckily, these two have their very own Facebook page, and we’ll get to see them grow up. How very cool is that!
Sheriff Mama, keeping an eye out for shenanigans and lawbreakers.
2016: Barnaby Mouse, preparing to melt.
2015: I believe I interrupted an important conversation wherein Carlin was explaining to Skelton that “This toy? MINE.”
2014: Throwback Thursday: Stompers
2013: “Am. So. Sleepy.”
2011: He was an absolute sweetheart and we are all the better for knowing him, even if only for a short time.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: They’re also a little more willing to bite my face.
2007: Disapproves of “this Koontz fellow.”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.