If you look closely, you’ll see that The Loony One has his fangs on display.
Frankie in one corner, on the platform over Fred’s recliner, obviously thinking about jumping.
And Dewey in the other corner, wondering if he could jump from there and land on the TV. (Luckily, he opted for the steps instead.)
“I don’t always cram myself into the smallest possible box…”
“Oh, wait. Yes I do. Nevermind.”
Newt believes in expanding to fill the space he’s in.
(This picture and the previous were taken when we were in the height of decluttering, and in this house, before something is put away or tossed, it tends to live on the dining room table for a while, thus all the clutter around Newt. Newt, you’ll be pleased to hear, was part of the clutter we opted to keep.)
I am back from my road trip to New Orleans with my sister. We had a LOT of fun and I took a million pictures (which I will share at a later date).
I already miss my sister; we had a lot of fun (it’s impossible not to have fun with Debbie.)
Now we’re back to regular ol’ life.
So ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Nola.
She’s very sweet, she’s very nervous, and she’s got passengers.
More about her tomorrow.
2016: The Fakers, 3 weeks old.
2015: “I not think I gonna fit on that Jet(Blue) plane, lady. You crazy!”
2014: No entry.
2013: Warning: there are a LOT of wee pink kitty toes in this post.
2012: Newbery gets a back rub and thinks maybe he likes it.
2011: (So RUDE, snapping a picture of a poor pregnant lady from behind!)
2010: Sometimes another kitten will join in on the howling, and OH their hearts are just breaking at the injustice of not being able to get through the door, they are PERSONALLY insulted at this turn of events.
2009: Here we go, all seven present and accounted for!
2008: No entry.
2007: Their evil chicken talons don’t poke holes in the kiddie pool?
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.