I’ve had several people ask about whether NotMalachi’s FIV+ status puts the other permanent residents at risk.
It doesn’t. FIV is spread via deep bite wounds. NotMalachi is, as far as I can tell, completely docile. He was so docile and so wanted to be friends with the other cats before we took him to the vet that I don’t expect his personality to change drastically once he’s finished healing up. It’s entirely possible that he’s just suckering us in with this adorable lapcat shtick and he’s actually a fierce beast. If he turns out to be mean or aggressive, then we will find another home for him.
So, how do you administer the pain meds to Malachi? Which is a also a way for me to get some tips as Atticus will now have to start taking pills for his thyroid. His diabetes has pretty much gone into “remission”, and he no longer needs the insulin, but he’ll be getting a pill daily now. Not bad for an old 18-yr old dude.
GD said: Can I toss in my two cents worth? How I pill a cat… I sit down with my shins on the floor (kneeling) and my feet together. I back the kitty (his butt first) between my legs. Kitties always back up when trying to pill them. They can’t back up past your crotch and feet. BARRIER!!! You can, also, use your thighs to gently squeeze (which holds him from moving left or right. In this position, when you tilt his head back and open his mouth), you can see right down into his mouth/throat and it is much easier to pop the pill in over the tongue hump. Close the mouth with on hand and gently stroke his throat downwards toward the floor (encourages swallowing). The more practice you have, the quicker you will be…and kitty will be pilled before he even knows it! Follow up with a little treat.
Beth T said: I use this technique, except for the throat rubbing, never found it to help. I do also have a medication syringe loaded with some water which I squirt in the side of the mouth to help the pill go down, don’t squirt too much at once. You always take your pills with water, right?
Alyslinn said: I use liquid compounded meds to get around the pill problem. (one of mine has thyroid meds also)
I have to admit that Fred does most of the pilling when it comes to the cats – I do know that he uses a little squirt of canned goat milk to wash down the pill – which not only washes down the pill, it also gives the cats a taste of something they like. In other words, it’s a treat. But the pain medication NotMalachi is on is a liquid. As long as Fred avoids the painful side of NotMalachi’s mouth, then he doesn’t have a problem giving it to him.
I also recommend Connie’s post What I Know – How I Pill a Cat.
Ok, I’ve been around long enough to remember your Spidey posts…I thought you might get a kick out of what showed up on the Emergency Kitten twitter.
That is TOO cute!
Yes, his name is definitely Frankie. (Murphy was a very close contender – to the point where I suggested to Fred that we name him Franklin Murphy. Fred didn’t care for the sound of that.)
“Really, lady? You thought we needed another one?”
“I just got THIS little brudder, I don’t need anudder!”
“But I thought I was the new guy!”
Frankie is spending most of his time sleeping – but at least he’s trying out different sleeping places. He’s also using the litter box like a champ. His mouth is still bothering him (he yawned and then yelped yesterday), but hopefully he’ll feel better soon.
Yesterday, the guy from the utility company came through our yard to read the meter. Dewey and Archie, who were snoozing in the front room, raced off like their butts were on fire.
Dewey took shelter next to Alice, who was clearly thrilled.
Archie found shelter in the giraffe cave.
2016: “Babies! You can come out any time now, the lady says!”
2015: If that’s not a judgemental little face, I don’t know what is.
2014: This is Orlando, I think.
2013: No entry.
2012: Everett, Sally, and Lucy made Tommy an honorary black Pepper.
2011: “Pay no attention to the Rhyme behind me.”
2010: Cheesecake pose.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.