Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
Nothing personal, #Archie, but you could use some work on your #naptimecompanion skills. Step one: more snuggling, less personal space.
“Pretty sure we heard a can opening, lady.” #Jake #Archie #Stefan
#Charleston adopted!
#NapTime #Dustin #FosterKitten
Uncle #Dennis stole #Dustin’s bed and is raaather pleased with himself. Dustin doesn’t care, he thinks Unca Dennis is super cool.
2015: But Alice is like “::FUME:: Look at her standing there in the middle of the room LIKE SHE OWNS THE PLACE.”
2014: The ear of (slight) annoyance.
2013: More attitude from the Carm.
2012: They sniffed around wildly for a while, and then decided it was okay, this strange room where (they seemed to think) they’d never been before.
2011: Gracie is a good watchdog.
2010: No entry.
2009: Look at him, looking so innocent when he was JUST biting that tail right in front of him and making his sister cry!
2008: No entry.
2006: Noelle with troll hair.
2005: No entry.