Check Instagram/Facebook today – I’ll be posting more Halloween pictures there throughout the day!
Happy Halloween!
Hi-ho! The return of Alice de Frog!
This is supposed to be a lion mane, but it looks more Ziggy Stardust to me.
Stefan Ingalls, reporting for butter churning duty. (I’m thinking this might have worked better on a cat with a smaller head. Stefan’s got a great big ol’ head and it really filled up that bonnet!)
I’m pretty sure my days are numbered. If I disappear, y’all know who to blame. (That’s Sheriff Mama/Kara.)
Any guesses who’s most patient with wearing hats? Poor Dennis. “Is almost over?”
“I gets to ride a broom around?” Newt was also surprisingly patient with this nonsense.
“But… if I really AM a princess, is wearing my crown really dressing up for Halloween?”
“Off with your head!” declares Princess Iva.
2015: Happy Halloween!
2014: “Hallo, I’m Alice and I’ll be your frog for the evening.”
2013: “These kitten wings are so fresh and tasty! Could use a little BBQ sauce for dipping, though.”
2012: Perfect Halloween kitty!
2011: This time of year, when you see a gathering of very interested looking kittens, it means a wasp has gotten inside.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: I suspect Lem.
2007: No entry.
2006: I don’t know why my mother felt that Maddy would make a good hat. Maddy did not agree.
2005: I think Miz Poo and Mister Boogers have more fun in the kitten room than the kittens do.