She totally looks like she’s posing here with her chin on her paw. “Hmmm. Am having Deep Thoughts.”
Another picture that reminds me of Ham Dog.
She likes to walk back and forth and whip her tail around.
Flopping down for a quick snuggle.
By the way, Saturday marked two years since I first posted about Dennis. Look at that little face!
This picture of Stinkerbelle is from last fall. I brought fresh catnip into the house, and she came down to get some, rolled around for a while, and returned to her lair atop the cabinets.
2015: Simon is planning nefarious things, looks like.
2014: “Go ‘way, lady,” says Angelo.
2013: No entry.
2012: Oh my god! Corbie! WATCH OUT! HE’LL CRUSH YOU! Corrrrrrrrrrbieeeeeeeeeeeee!
2011: I hereby officially give up. Corbie and Reacher will not be making the journey to Petsmart again.
2010: For the first few days, the cats were literally standing in line to lay on the Ham-Mick.
2009: Rumba likes to drag the feather toy around, while Samba chases the end of the stick.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.