Behold, I live! I am healing well and not having much pain – well, at the moment I’m not having pain. Last Thursday, like a dummy, I pulled open my closet door without thinking, and irritated my shoulder. A lazy weekend of not doing much at all helped, and today I’m pretty much pain-free as long as I don’t try to lift or pull anything. I don’t expect the healing to take much more than another couple of weeks, as long as I keep doing my physical therapy (which I am and will). I’ve been off the pain meds except at bedtime for about a week, and things are slowly going back to normal.
I’ve had a few inquiries on the topic, and yes – I am definitely sending out Christmas postcards again this year. I’ll start taking names and addresses on Friday!
Look who it is! It’s da Norbs!
(For the newer readers, Norbert/Norbie was an orphaned kitten who came to us the very night that Khaleesi was giving birth. She was puzzled by him, but ultimately accepted him and raised him as her own – you can read about that here. Norbie went to live with Kirsten in Chicago (yes, she drove all the way down here to get him!), and she updates us on him from time to time. You’ll note that he has grown to be one gorgeous boy!)
Just writing with some Norbie love and to wish you a good recuperation. Norbie decided he really likes basil.
One day later, totally stripped. I would pick him up and he had pesto breath.
“Pesto breath” made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the pictures and the good thoughts, Kirsten – give that boy a squeeze for us all!
The weather is turning colder, which means that Maxi wants to be in the garage. Specifically, upstairs in the garage. She’s got a pretty sweet deal, actually – the whole garage to herself, there’s food and water and a nice warm bed set up for her. She lays in her bed and dreams of being an only cat.
“That’s right, the garage allllll to myself! ::maniacal laughter::”
Have you ever seen a smugger cat?
2014: Every morning while he waits for his snack, Jake walks around and tries to mind meld with the other cats.
2013: “A-ONE and a-TWO and a-THREE…. I’m DANCING!”
2012: If you weren’t always sticking it where it doesn’t belong…
2011: “Sitting in boxes is the ONE THING I do for ME. All day long I do and do and DO for everyone else. I need some CORBIE time!”
2010: Meet the Brady Bunch!
2009: Then we’d have to call them The Puddin’ Heads.
2008: The many moods of Delmar.
2007: “Stupid trees with their stupid leaves.”
2006: No entry.
2005: “You flailed around and yelled ‘OW!’, and then a cat came flying off the bed.”