In the comments to yesterday’s post, Jen asked for advice:
Hi Robyn. I’m hoping that you and your readers might have some thoughts for me. I had to put one of my cats, Maggie, down on Friday. Though she was 15, it was unexpected.
We’re now a one cat family. My remaining cat, Logan (13), spent the first day or so looking for Maggie around the house and waiting for her at mealtime before eating but now seems to have accepted that she’s not here. The two cats were never particularly close (she was extraordinarily nervous so wasn’t always the most friendly to her companion), so I suspect that with time he will adapt to our slightly modified routine that doesn’t include her.
My question is this: Logan’s story is a bit unusual. He was born into the home of a collector (400 animals at the time he was removed from the home) and used as a breeding animal. He was then at the shelter and immediately placed into the general population. After that he came home to live with me and Maggie. So, he’s never spent more than a handful of hours completely alone in his life.
He’s been spending almost all of his time right next to me since I came home without Maggie. Though, I’m happy to report that he decided to spend some time alone upstairs this morning, which means I think he is starting to return to some of his regular patterns.
I start back to work tomorrow and that will be his first test of being alone during the day. I’m curious if you or your readers might have any suggestions for behavioral or other changes I might need to watch for to help determine if he is okay being an only cat or if he needs a companion?
If Logan had died first, I know that Maggie would have been thrilled to have been an only cat, but I’m not sure if that is true for Logan. I’ve always had a slight concern that he might struggle if she passed away before he did.
I’ve thought about this for quite some time, as Maggie developed a number of small medical conditions over the last couple of years. I know that I need to give Logan plenty of time before making any decision. I also know that if adding another animal would be better for Logan, it would have to be a very carefully selected companion. He is not very dominant, but he does like to think he rules the roost. Maggie was the kind of cat that never fought back and always gave way to his whims (absolutely not challenging in any way), so I think it could potentially be damaging to him if another animal were to come in that was more dominant than he is.
Thank you for any suggestions you might have.
Several people had suggestions (you can go here to read them), but if you guys have thoughts or suggestions, I know Jen would appreciate them, and so would I! So please chime in?
In yesterday’s post, we had an update on Maggie. Today, we have another update!
But first I have to show you one of my favorite pictures EVER of the updatee.
Do you remember that sweet little face? That’s right, it’s Terry from the True Blood 6!
Christine said:
I saw the “proof of life” requests in yesterday’s post so I took that to mean those sweet ladies want to see a little bit of sweet Terry! I am always happy to oblige so I’ve attached a few photos. He is just a funny dude that makes us smile every day. His LOUD talk-iness makes me wonder if his siblings are SO LOUD too – hopefully Bill’s and Hoyt’s moms can let us know!
That’s it from Terry-land.
I just took this pic of Terry and loved it – we were playing with his new Da Bird, which he is already obsessed with! Thought it would be a cute one to include on Tuesday since his eyes are actually open.
Thank you so much for the “proof of life” pictures and update, Christine! You know we love seeing that sweet boy so happy in his forever home. I always think that litters of kittens who have a rough start in life end up being just a bit more awesome, and that entire litter is proving me right.
Torres in the wall basket, refusing to look at me. Oh, these kittens. Why aren’t they born knowing how to POSE for me?!
Sunshine gives Ambercup the Crazy Eyes.
Sunshine gives Calabash the Kick-My-Sister’s-Butt Eyes, apparently.
Torres, looking in my general direction.
Louganis, all “HOW did I get up HERE?” Refusing to look at me, you’ll note.
Snoozin’ Zuke. That boy cracks me UP.
Calabash thinks that camera strap is pretty awesome.
Videos! In the first, Zuke is being a goofball (in the first segment of this video, note that Zuke just jumps up into the air for no apparent reason. Goofy boy!)
And in the second, it’s play time in the kitten room, and Calabash especially is being a goofball. Ya gotta love a goofy kitten!
Stefan thinks you are HILARIOUS.
2014: Oh, it’s so fascinating when she tells that story. I can’t wait.”
2013: No entry.
2011: These kittens are the standing-up balancingest kittens I’ve ever seen.
2010: Jake of the l’Unervilles.
2009: “O crystal ball, when will I get my fancy new eyelips?”
2008: I know. I’m an unreasonable monster.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Morning kisses.