Weekly Instagram/Facebook Roundup!
Belushi don’t need no stinkin’ eyeballs.
Belushi partied a little too hard last night, apparently.
Though you can’t tell it from this picture, we have opening eyes on everyone except Rickles! And they’re all very very curious about me, kept coming over to say hi.
Rickles gots an eyeball, too! I guess he felt he needed to keep an eye on Gilda.
Shecky sees no reason to crawl out of his nice warm bed of kittens.
YouTube link.
Roseanne and Louis say hi, while Shecky, Skelton, Rickles, Gilda and Belushi mill around in the background.
“Lady, I’m keepin’ my eyes on you.”
Poor Mama Lucy always has someone’s butt in her face.
Skelton, Louis, Rickles and Roseanne suss out the situation while Gilda and Belushi suggest I wake them up if something interesting happens.
“Hallo innernets, could you keep it down? Am tryin’ to sleep, here.”
“Hallo innernets, about this time two weeks ago I was being born!” (Gilda)
“Mama, don’t look! That lady’s takin’ our picture again!”
Belushi and Louis check out the world beyond the crate.
And the first escapees are… Louis and Roseanne!
Louis and Skelton figured out that they could track down Mama Lucy and enjoy the Milk Bar whenever they want! Whooooo!
“We don’t WANNA get up, lady!”
Pretty soon, you won’t be able to see Mama Lucy at all!
“Hallo, innernets peoples. Look! I gots a foot!”
“But wait, innernets peoples! I gots TWO foots! Two!”
“But wait wait wait, innernets peoples! I gots THREE. THREE FOOTS!”
“That’s a lotta foots. I don’t know what I’m gonna do with all those foots!” (That’s Belushi. Those belly spots just kill me.)
I was sitting outside the crate, and Louis came over and looked up at me. So I scooped him up in my hand. He thought that would be a good time to clean his paw.
Then Lucy came along and was all “:SNIFF: Their necks smell so good, don’t they?”
And Louis decided that another of his paws needed cleaning.
2014: “What? Was nappin’!”
2012: DarWednesday!
2011: Rufus, fangin’ it.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Kara’s birth story.
2007: Hatehatehate.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.