Someone requested a view of the belly of the beast Paul, so here you go.
That is, indeed, a diamond-shaped white patch on his belly. I don’t know that we’ve had a rare Diamond-Bellied Tuxie before!
And also, someone else pointed out that Peter looks dark gray in some lights. He’s black – a House Panther – but has a neat smoky undercoat.
No one really pointed out anything about Mary except that she looks like trouble, and she is totally the most delightful little handful of trouble and attitude and bratty sass and sweet purring snugglebug.
I swear their heads are as big as the rest of their bodies combined. I don’t know how they keep from tipping over all the time.
Peter jumps on Mary and makes her shriek, while Paul yells directions from outside the danger zone. “Her neck! BITE HER NECK!”
He is just such a pretty boy, isn’t he?
Mary coming out of the condo and trying to decide where to run – and who to bite – next.
Something I mean to mention in yesterday’s post:
I have actually had a foster named Peter in the past: Peter Brady. I’ve also had a Paul: Paul Simon. And? That’s right, I’ve had a Mary. Maggie’s official name (not that I ever called her by it) was Mary Margaret. (I was allowed to use the names because “Peter” and “Peter Brady” are two different names in the records, and the same with “Paul” and “Paul Simon.” Mary (without a second name) was used a long time ago for a cat who wasn’t my foster, but the cat in question passed on a few years ago, which made the name fair game.)
Videos! In the first, they’re just fighting monkeys. These kittens spend ALL their time either sound asleep or biting each others’ butts, I swear.
And in the second, they think that tall scratcher is pretty cool.
Dennis’s favorite place to snooze during the day: on the cat tree in my room.
2014: ..a chin strap, to hold her ears on! (Orlando’s got one, too.)
2013: No entry.
2012: Lest you think that Everett spends all his time chasing da bird, it is not so. He does lots of other things!
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Snugglebug.
2008: Elle and Skittles were finally adopted!
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.