Last night, this happened:
Not only was Marshall adopted, he was adopted with Monday. Monday wasn’t one of our fosters, but she did come from us – she followed Dennis home the night that he managed to get over the fence. She and Marshall have been sharing a cage for several weeks, and had become great buddies. Now they’re going to be brother and sister!
This is Monday:
And here she is, snuggled up with Marshall back in September. Awwww.
Now if someone would finally adopt Angelo, I could truly be happy!
Weekly Instagram/Facebook Roundup!
“Lady, gimme that phone. I gots to call someone to come kick your butt so you’ll stop taking my picture.” #Ralph #RUDEkittenisRUDE #kittens #fosterkittens
Two outraged mouths in one picture! #WinnDixie #TraderJoe #PW #OpenMouthOfOutragex2 #OpenMouthOfOutrage #fosterkittens #kittens #CatsofInstagram #KittensOfInstagram
“I see you looking at my awesome toy, and you just better back off, ’cause Vonnie ain’t sharing today.” #MINE #Von #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #fosterkittens
PW, Winn Dixie, and Ralph, checking out the new-to-them kitten cave. (It used to reside in my bedroom and Miz Poo would hang out in it. But she’s been ignoring it for months and no one else was interested, so I brought it up to the kittens. They seem to like it!). #PW #WinnDixie #Ralph #KittehCave #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #fosterkittens
The monkeys get their daily ration of cardboard. Winn Dixie is clearly a big fan. Von is skeptical. #WinnDixie #Von #KittensOfInstagram #kittens #fosterkittens
We’re gonna need a bigger boat. #BoxHouse #Von #WinnDixie #Ralph #PW #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #fosterkittens #CatsofInstagram
He’s starting with the man in the mirror. #mirrorcat #Ralph #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #CatsofInstagram #fosterkittens
“Hallo innernets, I am hanging out in my bachelor pad. It’s not fancy, but it’s mine. I’d invite you in, but there’s no room for you. I’ll be looking for the house warming treats you’re sending.” #TraderJoe #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #floof #fosterkittens
I don’t blame Ralph for the #OpenMouthOfOutrage , those sharp little teeth HURT. #Ralph #PW #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #fosterkittens
He is such a little NUT. #TraderJoe #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #fosterkittens
“Hallo innernets, tonight my brudder was a big ol’ pig and he ate too much and then he drank too much and then he barfed it all up and I went over to check it out and the lady was all “No, don’t eat that, gross!” And I looked at her and said “Lady, I just sat right in front of you and licked my BUTT for like 10 minutes, and you had no issues with that, so RECONFIGURE YOUR DEFINITION OF GROSS” and she just rolled her eyes cause she knew I was RIGHT.” #GrossIsAsGrossDoes #BarfItUpBro #WinnDixie #fosterkittens #KittensOfInstagram #kittens #CatsofInstagram #floof
“I don’t WANNA share the bed. It’s only big enough for ONE floofy kitten!” #Von #kittens #fosterkittens #PW #OpenMouthOfOutrage #KittensOfInstagram #CatsofInstagram
It’s a lot of work, keeping all that floof presentable. #PW #bafftime #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #CatsofInstagram #CUTE #fosterkittens
“Hallo innernets, I have a ball. It is my ball, as you can see, and I ain’t sharing. Don’t even think about touching it, because I think we all know what’ll happen if you TRY.” #powrightinthekisser #knucklesammich #Von #VonnieDontShare #KittensOfInstagram #kittens #fosterkittens #CuteLittleBad*ss
Note that Winn Dixie’s the one who jumped on Trader Joe, but she’s still got that #OpenMouthOfOutrage going on. #WinnDixie #TraderJoe #KittensOfInstagram #kittens #CatsofInstagram #fosterkittens
“COME AT ME, BRO!” #TraderJoe #PW #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #CuteLittleBad*ss #fosterkittens
“Hallo innernets, I am beautiful. And floofy. And I have the sleepies. #Von #kittens #KittensOfInstagram #fosterkittens #floof #zzzzzz
I’m leaving for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this morning. My parents have a timeshare there, and I join them most years for a few days. I do have some more kitten pictures on my phone that are too cute not to share, so I’ll be posting them on Instagram/Facebook this week. I imagine it’ll be a mix of kittens and beach – which sounds like heaven to me!
I pre-wrote and scheduled posts for the entire week, so y’all won’t have to go without. The internet tends to be spotty where we stay, so I don’t think I’ll be around much.
See you on the flip side!
2013: Tony is so small that he was able to pretty much walk right under Melfi. Melfi did NOT appreciate this nonsense.
2012: For something that would sting me in the eye if given half a chance, it’s got an awful lot of nerve pulling a cute maneuver like that.
2011: BUGS Tuesday.
2010: (And yes, we DO call them “Busta Rhyme”!)
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: The little black Momma kitty we first saw a month or so ago was back, this time with a friend.
2005: When does this get easier, again?