It’s not much of a throw back (I just posted it in July), but I happened across this picture the other day, and I continue to just love it so so SO much.
Pictures from the Petsmart cat room (from last Friday).
Monday, trying to lure Blaster in, so she can bite his neck.
I should have mentioned this yesterday – Monday is the cat Dennis “rescued” back in whenever that was. May? June? Something like that. Okay, the beginning of June is when that happened (and a more detailed explanation of what happened.)
This little guy is Niles. He and his brother, Frasier, had only been at Petsmart since the evening before, so they were a little freaked out. Especially when Marshall and Blaster kept doing their puppydog “Wanna play? Wanna play, huh? Wanna play? Wanna be best friends? Want me to bite your neck, huh huh huh?” shtick.
Frasier clearly knows how doors work, he just couldn’t reach the handle.
Blaster, keepin’ the toes clean.
Monday has some amazing ears, doesn’t she?
Marshall checks out the carrier (I think Tricki was actually in that carrier, ready to come home with me, and I was cleaning her cage.)
Marshall’s in charge of Quality Assurance, and lucky for me, this carrier passed the test.
Blaster’s in charge of making sure that all the bowls have enough food and water in them.
Marshall is a climber. Note that Blaster was helpfully pushing the door closed so Marshall couldn’t go anywhere.
Yes, of course he jumped. I didn’t capture the jump, unfortunately.
I saw this picture, and was reminded very strongly of a former foster.
Any idea who I’m thinking of?
That’s Tony Rocky Horror Pickle on the left (read more about him here if you weren’t a reader back then), and Tricki on the right. They both have just the slightest bit of an overbite, and the same verging-on-loony faces.
Dennis looks OH so pleased with himself, doesn’t he?
2013: ::sproing!::
2012: It’s possible I’ve started referring to Tony Rocky Horror Pickle as “The Terrible Pickle.”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Craaaazy kittens!
2008: Kitchen Maid Kitteh says “I ain’t shellin’ no more black-eyed peas. I’M DONE AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME DO ANY MORE!”
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.