From Holly:
I am calling upon you as others have done, to help find a home for a sweet boy cat for a friend of mine. The friend is about to move for reasons beyond her control and is not sure the cat will be able to come with her and her family. These are the details I can share:
The cat is a male non-neutered ginger named Honey. He is really sweet but has disabled front paws. He of course has to be an inside cat because of his disabilities. He can’t run fast or fend off enemies. He should not be in a house with large dogs either. My friend is located in Pensacola FL and I am not sure how far she can travel to get the cat TO someone so hopefully there is someone in that area that would want to help care for this cat for her.
Update, 4/25:
Thanks for all the help you gave me and my friend by putting up the picture and info about her disabled cat Honey. She had also contacted some local shelters and others and has now had a lady step up and contact her. This lady has said she will be glad to care for Honey for however long he needs. The details have yet to be worked out but it has been a relief to my friend to know the possibility exists. I thought you and the readers would be happy to know all of that. Thanks again 🙂