Barney has finally decided to join us. Such a little slacker, that boy. (I can’t blame him, though – give me a heated bed, I’ll stay there forever, too!)
Hey Beans, could you look at me, please?
Beans? Beans! Over here, Beans, please look at me. Yoohoo, Beans? BEANS!
Okay, you’re making me a little nervous. As you were!
This is Bitsy’s “Give me a kiss NOW” face.
Or maybe it was her “I’m about to do a dramatic ballet move” face. They’re very similar expressions.
Bitsy, contemplating her next move.
And Baby Beans jumps in with his ninja moves. This is exactly the move I use the most when we’re playing Fruit Ninja on the Xbox. True story!
Today’s Game Cam video is more of the Weeds and Pickles playing. I don’t know which is my favorite – Magoo at the beginning, hopping over toward the camera, or Polly Pickle at 14 seconds in, flailing around, running away, and then running back. Those Pickles and Weeds – just SO cute!
Sungold joins Jake in the top of the cat tree. Everyone loves that Loony Jake.
He’s just so patient with them, once he gets used to them. Fred did try taking Jake into the room with the Beans, and there was a lot of dramatic hissing and yowling on everyone’s part. Jake just takes a little time to adjust, as do most cats.
Look at the face Sungold is giving Jake. That’s how most fosters eventually look at Jake.
“What can I say? I’m lubbable.” Indeed you are, loony one.
Today’s permanent resident: Alice Mo, the cal-i-co!
Coincidentally, last Friday marked two years since I first introduced Alice. She had actually been with us since December 16th (2010), but the vet thought it was a possibility that she might have FIP, so I didn’t want to introduce her until we knew she was healthy.
She was just such a tiny little mess when she showed up here. She was so little that we thought she was about 10 weeks old. As it turned out, she was six MONTHS old. The vet told us she didn’t think Alice would be more than 6 1/2 or 7 pounds, fully grown. But Alice is an overachiever, and she’s now 10 1/2 pounds. We also had an issue with her making a kind of chuffing noise from time to time, and I ended up taking her to be scoped so they could see what was going on. They found some scar tissue and thought that was the likely issue. She seems to have grown out of it since then.
Of course, she did go off to Petsmart, but Fred harassed me until I agreed that we could adopt her, so the day after I took her TO Petsmart, we went and got her, and brought her home.
2012: No entry.
2011: No entry.
2010: They sure are kissable, these kittens.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: Moonman has seriously come out of his shell. (Note: “Moonman” is now “Joe Bob”!)
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.