In case you ever wondered what it looks like up Joe Pickle’s nose.
He’s looking very RatBat here, no? (But look how gloriously soft and glossy his fur has become!)
A slightly more flattering angle.
Petey, mid-complaint. That’s right, Polly’s after his tail again. Poor Petey.
“Why she gotta mess with my tail? Whyyyy?”
Fred accidentally left the closet door open one day, and the Pickles climbed up into the hamper and fell asleep. So we leave the closet door open all the time (of COURSE), and now there’s always at least one kitten in the hamper.
Polly’s too comfy to come to me for pettin’.
Polly and Joe in the hamper, Percy jumping down, and Petey over there on a pile of stuff. (Yes, that is a pillow in a plastic bag in front of him, and a roll of bubble wrap behind the hamper. Yes, I’ve removed them to a place where they can’t reach them. They were up on a shelf; apparently the Pickles are better at reaching the shelves than I realized.)
Purslane’s got somethin’ to say.
Trying to catch flies, little girl?
They love wrestling with that scratcher more than just about anything else.
She haz a complaint (her complaint being that I keep waving that feather teaser over her head.)
Thistle, in the midst of falling over backward after swiping at the teaser (and missing.)
I’ve been meaning to tell y’all this for the past few days. I heard from Winnie, who reported that the Weeds’ mother is doing well – she was in pretty rough shape herself when they picked her up with her girls. She hadn’t been named, so Winnie suggested the name “Ivy”, to go along with the weed theme. So that’s her name, Ivy, isn’t that a great name?
Today’s (last) Crooked Acres Cover Boy was supposed to be Jake, but I am a terrible slacker, and have no pictures of just Jake and his loony little monkey face to show you, so you’ll have to settle for this series of pictures I got over the weekend of Jake and Alice, being fed pieces of ham by Fred. We rarely have sandwich meat around the house – I don’t really eat it – but it was a long weekend for Fred (he took Thursday and Friday off to make it even longer), so I bought some for him. He loves a good ham sandwich. Jake and Alice lost their minds when they sensed that there was ham in the house.
Yes, Fred is using tongs to feed them their pieces of ham. He doesn’t want to lose a finger.
Alice’s face is killing me dead here. “DADDY WE IS HERE AND WE IS STARVING GIVE US THE HAM!”
PS: I know, it’s ironic that we raise our own pigs yet rarely have ham in the house. We don’t cure our ham roasts, just eat them as pork roasts. I’m not crazy about cured ham, and Fred mostly doesn’t care either way, so there you go. 🙂
2011: Bobby Brady update.
2010: No entry.
2009: With Lafayette getting his new eyelips, we now have more kittens with eyelips than without!
2008: Yoga kitteh is surprised that you’d interrupt her during such a crucial exercise.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.