I love it when I walk into the room and all four kittens are curled up together.
It’s best when you can actually see all four little faces, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers.
Look at Darwin’s annoyed little face. She’s like “Why is someone always laying on TOP of me? I’m the tiny one!”
And Razzie’s all “Hey, I’m tiny TOO! Tell her!”
“Don’t watch this!”
“No, YOU don’t watch this!”
And Newbery’s just “Can you guys stay still so I can go back to sleep?”
Darwin wants to know, “Now that I’m awake, I can haz a snuggle?”
Newbery pouts. “Where’d they all GO? Can’t we just go back to sleep?”
Razzie’s the only one I’ve actually witnessed chowing down at the bowl of kibble, but I think most of them are doing it.
I love Logie’s one white eyebrow and her white ear tufts, and her white blusher. I love everything about Logie, really.
Your tunes are loony again.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Wild thang!
2008: No entry.
2007: It was, and it squawked and flapped when the light from the flashlight hit it, and again I screamed and levitated across the room, followed by an amazing number of cats.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.