In case you missed it over the weekend, on Saturday there were cute kitty pics and an answer to a question, and on Sunday I announced that SALLY PEPPERS HAS BEEN ADOPTED (WOOT!) and there were more cute kitty pics along with the kittens’ weights and a picture of each of their little monkey faces.
Emmy and the squirming mass o’ babies. Look at Razzie’s little stumpy tail and skinny, stripey legs there in the front. SO CUTE.
“I like to get as close to Mama’s face as possible. It’s more comfy up here.”
“Dude, I know, right?”
When one needs to get higher and can’t quite pull oneself up, stepping on ones sibling’s face is always acceptable.
Do you see Logie there on top, crawling across her siblings? Apparently Her Majesty’s toes are too precious to touch fabric.
“Ah, yes, this bed made of my brother and sisters will do nicely.”
“HEY! I went to sleep on a pile of kittens and woke up on this stupid pink thing! I WOULD LIKE TO LODGE A COMPLAINT, PLEASE CALL THE MANAGER.”
More than a year after Fred put up the walkway and the corner platform in the kitchen, Stinkerbelle has finally ventured forth to check it out (until now, she’s always stuck to the other side of the kitchen, getting up there by jumping from the floor to the top of the fridge and then to the top of the cupboards, and reversing the process to get down to the floor). She’s been spending a LOT of time hanging out on the walkway and on the corner platform.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: “Woe is me, and when will the suffering ENNNNND?”
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.